

The straight up BEST Final Fantasy

I've only played 6, 7 and X and out of those, for me, X had the strongest story and gameplay.

Breaking down numbers

Awesome. Thanks a lot.

Breaking down numbers

One last thing - how can I hide the leading zeros when my character's HP is below 100 or 10?

Breaking down numbers

It's just the tens column I can't get to work properly. With your example of 459 I get the value of 59 rather than 5 when I MOD it by 100.

EDIT - forgot to divide by 10. My bad.

EDIT 2- Thanks kentona it works great!

Breaking down numbers

Right so I'm trying to make my CMS and one aspect of it is showing the character's current HP with an image representing each digit. To do this obviously I've got to break down the HP value into hundreds, tens and units and store each in a variable. How do I go about doing this? It's probably very simple but I suck at maths to put it bluntly.

Some of my (self-proclaimed) professional photography.

These are fantastic, I love HDR photos, could never get it to work myself though.

Summer Screenshot Spectacular!

Tardis that looks amazing. I'm really liking the custom menu and the glowing effects on the furnace and lights. Best of luck with this it's looking great so far.

ps. That's a lot of pipes.

I fail

if you haven't already been there Rm2k3 Future ( has some neat resources.

Help, my game.... It Died :'(

as for the database stuff I have no idea where that is stored in rm2k3.

I think it's RT_RPG.ldb

EDIT: Looks like i've been beaten to it.

RM2K Damage Algorithms

Damage = Base Damage + (Attack power of A / 20 * Attack influence of skill) + (Defense of B / 40 * Intelligence Influence of skill)
Wait... Doesn't the hero's Intelligence stat come into play when calculating the damage output for skills?
You would think so, but it doesn't seem to include it.

Come to think of it, doesn't the target's intelligence stat come into play when calculating the damage output?
Only if 'Ignore Defence' is checked seemingly:

RPG Maker 2003 Help File
When Ignore Defence is checked, the damage algorithm is as below.

(Defense power of B / 40 * Attack influence of skill) + (Intelligence of B / 80 * Intelligence influence of skill)

Strange, i've never really looked into the algorithms either so I never really noticed this before.