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Does the game take place in Portugal, Brazil, or any of the other Portuguese colonies? If so then I also would like to know if fast food places have "drive-throughs" in those countries. You know us Americans eat food on the go. We get fat even while we're working.


The battle picture looks pretty freaking cool. It's like a perfect fit! I can't describe it but it just works so well.


I hope that's the point...



Looks pretty beast, although I wonder why the Northwest portion of the map isn't arctic as well since it's on the same latitude as the snowy Northeast. Perhaps a different axis tilt on this world is the cause?


Due to how the engine functions, you climb inside the horse and use it to ride around. The same thing applies for the mine cart in the Forest Path Mines. Loony, eh?

That's how old chocobo systems worked in FF yeah? Not that loony good sir.


WHOA! Huge ass battle axe.


Although a lot of languages in the world follow a Subject-Object-Verb order rather than Subject-Verb-Object like in the english dictionary. I think it might suffice if you said...

There's some old text here in another language. Wait, I can read it. I think it says..."blah blah blah".


I think you should use a different font for the Rage meter. I know it's supposed to stick out and be all "RAGE!" but consistency is a slight issue. Other than that, the font is just a little bit thin so bolding them would make it stronger. It looks awesome otherwise.