

Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia

Aghhh Illumia's taken ummmmmmmm

Fate of Mankind

sound good?

how do you make a side scrolling game? with rpg maker 2000/2003

XNA Game studio's is a tool for making full on XBOX 360 Game's coding tooo much for me at the moment have to have basic's in C++

but about the SideScrolling game all you realy need to do is block off the areas u dont wanna go
create a Parralel proccess for jumping shoot ect...... make the Events(enemy's u need to dodge)

that's the easy bit now you just gotta make it look right....

for a MegaMan Styley..... rulz by the way

Can you have in game cutscenes?

The Video played when I added it to the Audio folder but it keep's playing in a seperate window....instead of overlapping the main game window..... hmmmm must have to tweak the script somewhere

Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia

Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia

;D Thank's for the coment's Ive got a few more video's to upload but I have to get a better video compresor...

so far

Ive updated the tileset.... it look's a lot better

and Ive almost got the combat system sorted (z to jump) (a to hit)

Ill upload a few pic's later...
hehe I was messin about with the mode 7 script it look's o but I the quality on the charcter's dropped a lil
(when I put the mode 7 at a 60% angle)

Video Playback

I was wondering how to play Video's ingame (cutscenes)...... ???

I found out I had to add them to the Audion folder buty when I add them top the game and use them .... the video play's in a seperate window..

Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia

TRAIN ACTOR or ABS Script for rmxp! RPG XP!

hehe I think it will be easier if i upload a Game Demo with all the Good script's Ill leave the edit option Open so you can copy n paste the scripts directly out of it


Train actor

Speech bubble (instead of text box)

Advanced Weather

Advanced Menu's


Sound Good?

Problem when trying to have someone type in a name

;D ok put this in the message \n the 001 is the player's (hero) number
so for player 2 put 002.... oh and if you remove the player from the party make sure you uncheck box at the bottom of the add player bit...

Banner :)

:o delete this topic ???