Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia
how do you make a side scrolling game? with rpg maker 2000/2003
XNA Game studio's is a tool for making full on XBOX 360 Game's coding tooo much for me at the moment have to have basic's in C++
but about the SideScrolling game all you realy need to do is block off the areas u dont wanna go
create a Parralel proccess for jumping shoot ect...... make the Events(enemy's u need to dodge)
that's the easy bit now you just gotta make it look right....
for a MegaMan Styley..... rulz by the way
but about the SideScrolling game all you realy need to do is block off the areas u dont wanna go
create a Parralel proccess for jumping shoot ect...... make the Events(enemy's u need to dodge)
that's the easy bit now you just gotta make it look right....
for a MegaMan Styley..... rulz by the way
Can you have in game cutscenes?
The Video played when I added it to the Audio folder but it keep's playing in a seperate window....instead of overlapping the main game window..... hmmmm must have to tweak the script somewhere
Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia
Hello another idea for the game
TileSet Update
A lil gif
TileSet Update
A lil gif
Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia
;D Thank's for the coment's Ive got a few more video's to upload but I have to get a better video compresor...
so far
Ive updated the tileset.... it look's a lot better
and Ive almost got the combat system sorted (z to jump) (a to hit)
Ill upload a few pic's later...
hehe I was messin about with the mode 7 script it look's o but I the quality on the charcter's dropped a lil
(when I put the mode 7 at a 60% angle)
so far
Ive updated the tileset.... it look's a lot better
and Ive almost got the combat system sorted (z to jump) (a to hit)
Ill upload a few pic's later...
hehe I was messin about with the mode 7 script it look's o but I the quality on the charcter's dropped a lil
(when I put the mode 7 at a 60% angle)
Video Playback
I was wondering how to play Video's ingame (cutscenes)...... ???
I found out I had to add them to the Audion folder buty when I add them top the game and use them .... the video play's in a seperate window..
I found out I had to add them to the Audion folder buty when I add them top the game and use them .... the video play's in a seperate window..
Sacred S'h'a'd'o'w's aka Illumia
made a tileset hmmmm kinda work's
an update
an update
TRAIN ACTOR or ABS Script for rmxp! RPG XP!
hehe I think it will be easier if i upload a Game Demo with all the Good script's Ill leave the edit option Open so you can copy n paste the scripts directly out of it
Train actor
Speech bubble (instead of text box)
Advanced Weather
Advanced Menu's
Sound Good?
Train actor
Speech bubble (instead of text box)
Advanced Weather
Advanced Menu's
Sound Good?
Problem when trying to have someone type in a name
;D ok put this in the message \n the 001 is the player's (hero) number
so for player 2 put 002.... oh and if you remove the player from the party make sure you uncheck box at the bottom of the add player bit...
so for player 2 put 002.... oh and if you remove the player from the party make sure you uncheck box at the bottom of the add player bit...