


Pointless, much? O_O
What's the point in saying someone's on the toilet in the locked house? How would the character even know behind a locked door?

it might be a outhouse

Patch 2.0b is Ready for Action!

do you plan on makeing a part two

Omega Cerberus

when are you going to upload this game i would love to play it

Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode I Tides of Fate

look is not what makes a game it is the gameplay and in this game the dark since of humer

RPG 20XX Engine

when you put up your next download could you inclod the editor

RPG 20XX Engine

the one that you have up for download does not work on windows 7 ether when i try to start a new project it says that it is unable to do it

RPG 20XX Engine

can you make rpg 2003 work on windows 7

Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode I Tides of Fate

seems like a grate game will there be a part 2

RPG 20XX Engine

you the wolf


are you planing to makeing bios for the hero
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