


I'd move the title down a bit.

MBF Men in Hats Edition released!

Hey, I think I found a bug. Basically I'm at the power plant bit, and I did the pushing-blocks-on-ice puzzle but then didn't replace the broken generator, then went up and did the puzzle with the doors and switches and buttons. When I try to go back down to the lower level the door is locked and the guy in the elevator is still saying the same stuff as before.

Your First Game

My first game was on RM95 when I was a kid. I was horribly inept at the program; I didn't know you could create more than one map so the whole game was on one world map. I seem to remember it was called "Dark's Destiny" or something, and you played the dark knight Dark who walked around, killed things and fulfilled his destiny. Yes, it was VERY cliché.

Spartan Cosplay Progress

I thought it was a spartan soldier re-enactment kind of thing at first and I thought it sounded cool.

I am disappointed.

Anyone play WoW around here?

The song is really catchy and the show's pretty good.

Rpg 2k3 pics

What is this "zpeg" you speak of? It sounds cool.

Chrono Trigger

Original name, I like it, sounds a bit familiar though

Percent change

I know this is probably a very obvious question, but I'm pretty rusty on RM2K3. Basically, how do I change HP by a percentage in a battle event? The HP change option only does it by numerical values.

EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out.

favorite anime movie?

Howl's Moving Castle
One of Ghibli's weakest films.

A lot better than Totoro in my opinion, which was kind of underwhelming in delivery.

favorite anime movie?

Howl's Moving Castle
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