Longtime fan of the gam creation but has never really gotten very far with it, you can find me making a rare "there isn't an SMBX event going on right now" appearance but I only truly exit hibernation for dem sweet Mairo bois

I'd like to imagine I'm a nice guy but emphasizing too much on it is self-indulgent and not stating as such is passive - I'd like to think of myself as an imply-ey guy

On the rare occasion I might actually be useful to you I'd be more than happy to help as long as it requires absolutely no codey or imagey stuff, seriously I have just enough brain cells to breath, I have no chance of picking up actually useful skills for game design



[SMBX] Picking a version of SMBX

Now I've been planning on working on an SMBX project, I've only really worked in the massive SMBX collabs before and thus only really used SMBX 1.3, now I'm aware that there are now different versions and editors available to me and I have no idea which one to use

I have attempted to use PGE, but have no idea how to get it to load up SMBX graphics as it seems to be adamant upon using it's own and have very little knowledge of any extra features it may have beyond perhaps locking certain object-types from movement

I should also point out my knowledge of coding is limited to a basic understanding of Python, which I'd imagine is considerably different from the Lua I'm aware many of them have the ability to use

The forums are closing [APRIL FOOLS]

I have absolutely no idea what is going on.
EDIT: Hey look, it's now an April Fool's thing... did I ever mention my middle name was gullible

Castles Masterpiece Sequel

OK, can we do this thing now?

Castles Masterpiece Sequel

Just to clarify, i'm interested in judging.

Castles Masterpiece Sequel

This is starting to sound perty good...

Castles Masterpiece Sequel

Well, if it's going to be a game made up of castle levels, it should probably be a castle level.

You could build the game around the context of each level being part of one greater, overarching castle, and enforce this in people's submissions. The Mario's Mansion series did this to varying degrees of success. The original Castles game also had that as the general context, but the game didn't feel like it was all part of one castle.

I think the problem with the original was that the level and the hub didn't correspond, take Ratty's tree level (I'm not saying it was bad, I particularly liked that level) you've gone from a gothic castle like hub to happy tree level, while in Mario's Mansion II and III you (generally) went from a ghost house into a ghost house and the specific theming made it as such (Making the rooms for the mansion) you don't have to fully theme it but at least make it similar to the hub you enter from... Tell me if i'm talking crap would ya?

Castles Masterpiece Sequel

This seems interesting, just a one thing, is this going to be an official event or a forum event?
An official event is the dream!

Either way i'm in, judge perhaps?

Maybe, I'd like to get a list of candidate for judges and decide amongst them, so you'll be on that.

As for the levels being "Ruins" not castles, I think I'll revert back to castles. You know, so this can actually be called a sequel =P

Perhaps maybe just ruined castles!

Duly noted

Castles Masterpiece Sequel

This seems interesting, just a one thing, is this going to be an official event or a forum event?
Either way i'm in, judge perhaps?

Video thread

Oh sieg hell no!

Mario's Mansion 3?

Disallow use of the flowers fair enough but leave leaves for floating and Tanooki Suits for turning invincible (Avoid Eeries Etc.)
But I suggest we allow minibosses (I've spent the last day preparing some graphics :( ... )
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