

Unofficial Anime and Manga Discussion Topic

author=YummyDrumsticks link=topic=1822.msg30033#msg30033 date=1220832796
I think both shows have potential, but the fact that it is just so long and ... well, more than some of the episodes are off-topic. How can anyone stand watching it for that long? Another anime that falls into this category is Inuyasha.

I agree. Inuyasha had potential at the start of the show, but it just drags on for so long and never accomplishes anything. That's why I really love shows like Trigun and Fullmetal Alchemist. They accomplish their goals within a reasonable amount of episodes and go out when they're still good. After a show sticks around for a long time, it just gets boring. Dragonball Z, anyone (or even worse: GT)?

I heard Death Note was good, too. Has anyone seen it? I haven't seen any recent anime so I'm a little in the dark on that one. As for Naruto, that show just seems too teen-friendly to me, but I've never tried to get into it so I could be wrong.

As far as movies go, I love Naussica and the Valley of the Wind, along with most of the movies created by that company. Akira was decent (I hear they're making a live action remake of this, along with the Dragonball movie...).



This is so ridiculous, it's funny. I love how serious they try to take it :D

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

author=silver4donuts link=topic=1865.msg30528#msg30528 date=1220990577
You...mean it's out right now?

WTF!? Why are these good games getting released so god damn early. ****

I'll pick this up on Friday, along with the Wii Fit. :)

Then there will be Megaman 9 soon. Yay!

Vesperia is, not Dawn of the New World.

Why (God Why) so many medieval fantasy games and so little of anything else?

Personally, I love both scifi and fantasy. I think most people tend to go along with fantasy because those are the ones in the ones embedded in the history of the RPG. I loved Seeker of the Sun (indie rpgmaker game), although it was a little short, and I like how Final Fantasy mixes Science Fiction and Fantasy together, though oftentimes these games are either on one extreme or the other.

Right now I'm working on a fantasy game simply because that's the story I want to tell. I want to also make a scifi story, but to do something like that requires even more work because you've got to find the chipsets, charsets, etc to match the game, and that's just harder to do with that genre.

As for modern day settings---these just aren't for me. Why would I want to play an RPG set in the modern world? Unless it's a comedy, I see no point. Let's face it, the modern era is boring, which is why no one makes serious games about it (unless you time travel or it's the apocalypse), not to mention the fact that chipsets for this setting are even more impossible to find than the future ones (at least as far as rm2k/3 go). Plus, who wants to drive a car when you can ride an airship or a spaceship?

post your picture

author=YummyDrumsticks link=topic=384.msg30509#msg30509 date=1220987113

My hat is superior.

Yes. Yes it is.

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

author=iishenron link=topic=1865.msg30235#msg30235 date=1220912191
If you like Tales games, and you have a 360, run, don't walk, to your nearest gamestore and buy Tales of Vesperia. That's all I have to say right now.

I did, actually. I'm about 7 hours into it but so far it's not nearly as good (story-wise) as ToS was. On the other hand, ToS took a while to get going so hopefully that's how Tales of Vespiria is too.

post your picture

That's me at a bar (obviously on the right) with a friend of mine. Her roommates were bar-tending that night so we got free drinks. All in all, a good time!

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

I don't know about the rest of you, but I really enjoyed the last Tales game on the GCN, so the upcoming sequel is looking really cool. This isn't a typical Tales sequel, because, like Final Fantasy, the Tales games have never been direct sequels (i.e. same characters, time periods), but this one is. It's sort of like what happened with FFX and FFX-2, except I'm really hoping it doesn't suck (because let's face it, FFX-2's story was horrendous).

You can read up on the info here. It's getting released later this year in the US. The only downside I see so far is that the original voice cast isn't returning, which sucks because they were (mostly) pretty good. On the bright side, the characters will all return and most will be playable (no one's sure about Lloyd), along with several newcomers.

Anyone else getting it?

I need help

I had the same problem with one of my images. You upload it, but the image never works. Quite strange seeing as how the first four images I posted worked fine.

A Game Based On The Second Coming?

Would the main character be jesus? Would you be fighting against jesus? If so, wouldn't it be kind of futile since he's the incarnation of God and God cannot be destroyed?

And despite the fact that Christ already died, the future incarnation of his second coming is supposed to be more spiritual and all powerful, rather than human (like he was the first time), so how would you possibly stop him?

It's tough when you have to take down God. I don't see any reasonable way that anything in the "creation" can kill the "creator". The only way you could pull it off reasonably would be to completely change the concept of God, by making him a different kind of being altogether. For one, he can't be all powerful, because if he is then you wouldn't be able to kill him. He would have to be just some cosmic entity that sparked human life (sort of like in those 2001: A space odyssey movies with the giant black thing). Then, you'd have to re-examine the idea of Jesus, and that's a whole other ballgame.

Good luck! ;)
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