

Character poses (sprite help)

I need someone to help me turn a few character models into various poses so that I can use them in battles. I'm trying to make a Final Fantasy 6 type of look for the fights.

Here's an example:

Those are the sprites I need made, and here are the characters:

If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it! :)

Text question

author=GreatRedSpirit link=topic=3188.msg62771#msg62771 date=1235185353
RM2k3 doesn't like most default window fonts and it will only use fonts in the Windows/Fonts directory so its pretty much "argh rm2k3".

Try this RPG_RT, it uses a default Windows font and it's readable! I might be getting a false positive though, it uses the MS Gothic font and I think I replaced mine with the RM2k3 fix font.

So if I download that, it will fix it? Where do I put the .exe once it's downloaded?

Sorry, I'm not that computer savvy, at least not with Windows.

Text question

author=ZPE link=topic=3188.msg62769#msg62769 date=1235184628
Also that why should be while in your text box.

Lol, yeah I noticed that after I posted it.

Thanks for the info though. Kinda sucks because a few of my pals aren't members on here so I'll have to walk them through the install process. Oh wellz.

Also, where is the font directory located?

Text question

Now, after I do that, will everyone who plays my game have to do that as well? Or will it be fixed for them when they download the game?

Text question

Is there a way to fix the text in RPG Maker 2003? I downloaded the program and the letters seem to overlap at certain times. For example:

As you can see, certain letters overlap. I was just wondering if maybe there was a download to fix it like there was in RM2k.



author=Shadowtext link=topic=1303.msg62539#msg62539 date=1235004887
author=jcavonpark link=topic=1303.msg62489#msg62489 date=1234984177
There are characters who are just filler and don't serve a purpose (Ashe)
Um....did you sleep through it? Ashe was essentially the main character, with Vaan as nothing more than a PoV audience surrogate. I'd be able to accept arguing that Vaan was a filler character that didn't serve a purpose....except that it ignores his role as audience surrogate, so it's a pretty shallow way of looking at the character, too. But Ashe? She is practically the only character who couldn't be removed from the plot and have it still make sense.

Oop! Sorry, I meant to say Panelo (or whatever her name was). It's been a while since I played the game.

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

I'm replaying FF7 right now, mostly because I'm waiting around for Star Ocean 4 to come out.


The problem with 12 was that they made it too much like an online game. If I wanted to play an MMO, I'd go play World of Warcraft or Everquest or some crap. I like Final Fantasy's traditional battle system, and I think 10 perfected it. It really sucks that they changed, and I don't know a single person IRL that actually liked the new one.

The plot in 12 was also ridiculous. There are characters who are just filler and don't serve a purpose (Ashe), and characters whose motivations and backstory are hardly explained. At least in Final Fantasy 7, you could do a slew of sidequests or exploring and discover complex backstories about these characters, while others were revealed in the game's actual plot (I don't know a single character who didn't get some kind of backstory event/quest that helped define them). It was just something that was sorely lacking in 12, at least for me.

And I completely disagree about instantly hating every FF that comes out, then loving it later. I loved FF6, 7, 9, and 10 when they were released. I couldn't stop playing them. However, when 12 came out, I just didn't like it at all. It was mostly the battle system, I will admit, but there were plenty of other problems too. And look at FFVIII, for crying out loud. That game's been out for YEARS and a lot of people still don't like it. People dislike games because they're not fun, not because they're "new"...

A dumb question, but still

Does anyone familar with Rm2k3 know where the option is to make it so that your character jumps forward when he attacks in a fight? I took a few months off of my project and now that I'm back, I can't seem to find the answer to this. One of my characters jumps forward, while the rest do not. I remember setting this before, but how did I do it?

Lol, I feel nub-tastic!

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

What sucked about it?

And yeah Ashramaru, gotta love the consistency ;)
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