I first came across RPG Maker when I was about thirteen, and rediscovered it when I was twenty with VX Ace. I love making games, but unfortunately now have very little time due to old-person obligations. I still try to contribute as much as I can nevertheless! I always love to hear feedback on my work so don't hesitate!
The Shoe's On The Other ...
A second psychedelic episode in the world of The Shoe's On The Other Foot



Audio randomness help!

Hey! Just realised that i never replied to this! A bit rude! Thanks for helps ill try it out! (yes vx ace)

Commercial games, where should i sell it?

Just curious, if i were to make a commercial game, what would be the best way to sell it digitally? On steam? Any other things people know about?

Event Group Concept

Just thinking aloud here really. Wouldn't it be good if when you create an event (RPG Maker), you could give it an numbered ID and thus making it part of a "group" of events (0 would be no group). That way, another event could have for example, Condition Branch, touch, or within a certain number of tiles of event belonging to event group x= will do whatever etc... Events could interact with each other differently according to their group IDs. You could even give these ID's to different party members...

I think this could possibly facilitate real-time combat, or any number of things for that matter. Maybe this could already be possible by giving a certain event a variable... Anyway, any thoughts?

Common event restarting in ace!

Genius! You're going to laugh when I tell you that I actually did those 288 switches... Ok i'm gonna try this seems solid! Works like a bloody dream. And so quick compared to the three or four hours it took me to make the other system (that didnt even work)! I don't know why but I always seem to go for switches and kind of forget variables, but they have so many possibilities!

Common event restarting in ace!

and so on... basically the clock goes back to 08:00 (the beginning og the event) at each map !

Common event restarting in ace!

Hey! Need some help! So I want my common event to continue over all my maps (its a clock night day system) but whenever i change map the event starts back from the beginning! This is very problematic! Any ideas? Thanks!

Audio randomness help!

Game Idea

Rpg maker isn't that difficult to use, just watch a couple of tutorials on youtube and youll be on your way!

Are some of these things script-able?

Yeah most of these things you can do with eventing! Example characters only joining crew after certain number of times you talked to them just use a variable!

Audio randomness help!

Hello ! I would like to know if in ace it would be possible to start playing a bgm at a random point in the song? If this sere possible, i would be very happy yo. What do you guys think?
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