The TM is for Totally Magical.
I am a piano technician and musician by trade. I am a poet, a writer, an artist in my spare time.




https://pianotm.itch.io/the-dark-elfs-quest $14.99

https://pianotm.itch.io/euphonie $10.00
Across the Universe
Survival and friendship in an impossible situation.



The Sparrow and the Phoenix

I think I'm going to edit the main character sprite to remove the hood. Not sure yet. I might. I often use this sprite as a main character in my games. Just thinking of changing it up.

Boulevard of Broken 2k3 Dreams

The Gift Review

Oh, I got tricksy in this game. Certain things won't appear until you've found other items. Some items are hidden behind map objects. One of the items...I can't remember what I hid it behind, but you can see...like, a single pixel, and that's it. I thought I could get Liberty with it, but she was wise to my tricks through this whole game.

So I hardly go into a shame spiral anymore over Befuddle Quest 7 whenever it is brought up

Ah, yes. Preemptively reminding us that you got us all together for a chain game where we all provided puzzles with the promise that they'd be made into a game, and then it never happened, even though we all turned our projects in.

That ought to help with the guilt.

Another day where I wish I'd picked a different name

Knew I should have just gone for "unii" or something :P

Oh, there's nothing to worry about.
Cheer up! You're going to be the only unity pretty soon, again!

How to Steal like a Hero

Since the most important part of this goes into troop events, I've simply created a range of chest items and given them their own switches (I probably could have nested some branches and put them all in the same common event, but it was easier just to make separate common events for the chests.). I'm not going super specific. Just a range of level-appropriate items. Like...a slime isn't going to drop Excalibur, but it'll drop potions and mana potions.

Then I just have those different items for different troops.


Oh, this tileset is great!

How to Steal like a Hero

This is a very nice system!

Boulevard of Broken 2k3 Dreams

I'd like to try to figure out how to install Maniacs patch. The results I've found on how tohave been sparse and/or japanese

Open the application (utility.exe), browse through the project base path and find your RPG Maker 2k3 folder and then click apply patch (It's the really big button exactly in the middle of the utility).

TL;DR, find your folder, and then press the big button.

Fallen Review

This was my first game ever. So, I just downloaded and it looks like I did just upload the project file, so I should be able to fix it...