

Games released in 2009

Looks like I'm going to be on this list soon! Yays! :)

:The Game Making Drive/Blog Topic

Right now I'm trying to lower my soundtrack from 59 to 38 songs to save memory. So in the procress I'm changing all the songs, the new tracks kick more ass!

Also later I'm doing the turn order for 4 players, and over the weekend work on the new boards: "summer" "gw & rmn" "ibm" "marble" and such other ones. :)

:The Game Making Drive/Blog Topic

Monopolo's final release date has been announced!

Are you ready for it? ARE YOU!? :P (Despite some cutbacks)

Screenshot Superbowl Sunday

If possible Nack, do you think you can have a image besides the magic meter?

:o Real Men Network SERIOUSLY Needs Some Monopolo Movies!!! :o

"The last 2 player match you will see, in a couple of days, your going to see 4 walk across the ea...I mean board!"

And for something I found on the internet!
Which might explain what happened to the ORIGINAL Mr. Monopoly. Before his son took over the business. :shady:

(Lol, doesn't count. But it sure is funny)


Hey! It's been like...2 months since I've shown something. I'm almost ready to show a 4 player match, but I couldn't resist showing SOMETHING! Enjoy! :fogetsmile:

have you ever lost hope in your project

Yeah, with the blooming CPU system. I just couldn't do it, but that's not stopping me from finishing!

Play Something! Day III [February 4th, 2009]

I played a few. And reviewed a few.

Including Skie's game.

And mine...(but that doesn't count)

I really enjoyed sitting upstairs and playing some game, I outta do this more often when I get the time. :P

Games released in 2009

Good idea for making this list. That way, for 2010, we won't have any trouble in finding what was released in 09!

This is gonna be the first list I'll ever be on. Unless...something stupid happens, like someone breaks into my house, or the place catches on fire. ::)

Sore Losers

Well, I played as much as I could. I have just written a review which will be up on the main site whenever this lazy site kicks into high gear! I really enjoyed playing this game, you did a good job! I don't usually play games for more then 2 days max, but you did it! You can hear what I say when it's up. And for everyone else that still hasn't played it! PLAY IT!!! :D

What does it take for you to work on your games?

1.) Keep It Short / Simple & Sweet
Everybody tries at first to make something huge, full of features and just an all around kick ass game! But hold the phone! Most of us are one person with not more then maybe 3 hours of game making before were done for the day. So what do you do? You cut corners, keep things simple, remove things that you can use for a later game. Take my game for example, there were SO many things I wanted but had to cut in order to get the game done. Like the CPU system, it was a major headache, and really wasn't needed. Yeah people complained about it, but in the's out faster. The point is! Go for the simple! add one or two major system things and call it a day. Making a RPG? Keep it to around 20 areas and no more then perhaps 15 hours.

2.) Keep It Fun!
If the game isn't fun and you wanna get on it, then it's probably not going to be made. You need to try and make it fun for you and yourself! So do your best to not only make it fun for the player, but for you. Which means! Don't be worrying about this game and oh, this is going to be hard when your at work, cause game making is suppost to be fun, if it ain't...then you need to do something to make it that way!

3.) Work!!!
Obviously, if you wanna get the game done, you need to work on it every single moment that you can. Look! Not all of us can work on it for more then 2 hours a day, so what you do is make a schedule. Try making the game all out for 2 hours, take a break by playing someone's elses game, or go outside for a walk, come back do another 2 hours, go to night make it for a hour. See? 5 hours!!! That's not bad, solid work is the only way to go, so stop spending time on forums, chats, TV and get your ass to work!

4.) Don't Listen To Those Haters
There will ALWAYS be people who don't like what your doing or want you to change something that you have spend HOURS doing, but you know what? **** em! Out of those haters will be people who will love your game for what it is. So the best advice is to just read what they have to say, and move on. Show those people that they were wrong about removing that sweet CBS that you've spend HOURS doing! And make em pay!

5.) Cut Corners & Take Shortcuts
Do whatever you can in your power to take the easy road instead of the hard one. Make your coding easier to navigate and simple to do, so when you go back and need to make a change, you won't be pulling your hair out, or maybe to get the game out faster you decide to cut a town or dungeon or two, if it means pacing the storyline a bit better in the other areas, hey whatever it means to finish the game! A lot of people really couldn't care less on how long the game is, I would much rather play a game that is 10 hours long because I don't have as much time as I did when I a kid. So just cut corners and take shortcuts! Big companies do it all the time! How come not you?


Hopefully this helps. That's what get me moving! ^^

Oh wait!

Bonus: It Helps To Have Nerds As Friends.
It REALLY does.

Chronology of the Last Era-The Last Great RM2K3 Game Ever Made.

S. F. LaValle is getting S4D's vote!

Sorry Maxy Magee! It's awesome, Feld will agree! ^^