


I'm impressed!

New Year's Resolutions

Finish my game and find a girlfriend I guess :)

Favorite dungeon music GO.

prob my favorite ever

also very good

...and something less ambient, but just as cavey (though the first two weren't "cavey" per se (though all are dungeony))

Uh? Do you guys listen to music?

I enjoy music but I wouldn't call myself as an ACTIVE music listener, whereas I am active when it comes to video games/anime/movies. Though, a good majority of my house mates are music nuts and they would play songs in the lounge and I would randomly like some of the songs they play.

Here is one that I'm extremely fond of:

Legendary Legend Review

Too busy to get in on this legendary drama-fest, but I'll quickly inject my 2-cents. This is the only game that has allowed me to laugh not due to it being bad or glitchy (i.e. Pokemon Battle Revolution and Ocarina of Time respectively) I generally don't play games to be humored, (but I still enjoy comedy games) and this is the only instance of a comedy game that allowed me to laugh legitimately. I enjoyed it, and it is one of my favorite RM games, I'm sure there are faults scattered in this game, shoddy mapping and battle system to name two, but I'll stop believing in gravity before I believe that this game deserves a half star. What is even more ridiculous is that the reviewer wants to give this game a 0, a score that should only be given to a game that only contained the default "game" initialized by a respective system, i.e. Ralph standing in a 100x100 map of nothing but sea tiles, a game that obviously would not be approved to be hosted in the first place.

Legendary Legend

Righteous! This game needs all the recognition it can get!

Hayate no Gotoku! Dream Apocalypse

The elegant debris has exactly 51 DEF meaning you can only deal 1 damage per hit with 50 offense. The best thing to do would be to level up some more, or if you have either Isumi or Sakuya, use them instead, they are much more worthwhile than Hayate. Also, in the version you are playing now, you can check the damage you give and how much HP it has, etc. with the 'Lens of Reality' item. In the future release, every attack from you or the enemy will have their damage output shown on screen.

Refer to the stats of enemies with this link:

Hayate no Gotoku! Dream Apocalypse

No, that would be ridiculous.
It is 95mb solely because there are a lot of songs in it.

Dudes Report: An Interview With a YDS

Steampunk is awesome.

Hayate no Gotoku! Dream Apocalypse

try this link if you want the rtp:

try this link if you don't want the rtp:

I should post these on the main page, I've had enough of rmn's "white page server errors"