
Got any Dexreth amulets?
Granted. I have a wonderful day. But you don't! Hehehehe...

I wish all people were 10% more intelligent.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Granted. Now, I make better games than you.

I wish Libby didn't have a toothache on her birthday and that the wish disaster would only affect me.
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
Congratulations, Liberty no longer has a toothache, her teeth are completely revitalized and are in perfect condition, white as snow! Of course, only on her birthday. The equivalent exchange for this is that you lose your teeth, you're unable to eat crunchy things, cannot get dentures, and are unable to speak clearly. Was it worth it? Of course it was!

I wish to be the very best, like no one ever was.
Congratulations! Now you're the very best, like no one ever was... at being tentacle raped. You really should have been more specific about that wish...

I wish to not get in troubles for messing up with that wish like that.
( oh God, tentacle rape?! That brings back some rather interesting memories.)

Eww, granted, you didn't get in trouble because you didn't mess with the wish like that. You messed with it in a far worse way. In result, you are banned.

I wish for alphaomega247 to pay to ship me to the Galapagos where I may live out the rest of my life selling seashells to foolish tourist.
Granted, but I ship you via UPS Ground, and you never get there. Heheheh.

I wish for it to be October 25.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Granted, but I ship you via UPS Ground, and you never get there. Heheheh.

I wish for it to be October 25.

Granted, but you have to wait 49 minutes.

I wish I was better at eventing.
Granted, but you lose all of your ability at all other gam mak stuff. No one wants to higher someone who only events ,and you're obviously unable to make one yourself.

I wish I could live without my family for like, a week.
Granted, but then you can NEVER leave them ever again! Muahahahaha!!!

I wish that my allergies didn't flare up in the fall. *sneeze*
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Granted. They flare up in the summer, winter, and spring.

I wish I had a drawing table.
Granted, but it has a big hole in the middle.

I wish for a new skillset.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Granted. You now speak Esperanto.

I wish I was good at sharpening my shaving razors.

Granted! But your sharpening skill is so good that the minimum attempt to shave yourself rips your face off. Have fun!

I wish I could freely kill my enemies and people I hate without any kind of remorse, or bad consequences for me.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
(Congratulations, you actually messed up the wish. The sharper the blade, the less likely you are to cut yourself. Injury occurs due to inexperienced hands moving the blade in a slicing direction, and a dull blade pulling at the beard and slipping as it jerks away. A sharp blade doesn't pull, greatly minimizing the chances of cutting yourself. That's the whole point of sharpening the blade.)

Granted. You are psychopath that kills all of the police, federal officers, and soldiers in the country. Now no woman ever comes near you.

I wish I had remembered to buy a USB printer cord and paper with my new printer.
Remember when I actually used to make games? Me neither.
Granted, but as you try to plug in the USB, you realize that the printer only has a parallel port, even though those are old and obsolete as fuck.

You contemplate suicide by hanging yourself with the useless printer cable.

I wish I knew how to make good pancakes.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You wind up figuring out the trick to making the best pancakes in existence. Then you get put at gunpoint to make said pancakes for 20 hours a day and begin to develop a disgust towards pancakes.

I wish for an awesome cappuccino.
Granted, your cappuccino is the best in the world, made by a man who discovered the secret to amazing cappuccinos and is being forced to make cappuccinos 19 hours a day. You feel bad for him and cast your cappuccino aside to try to free the poor man, however you are promptly shot by the person forcing that poor man to make cappuccinos.

I wish I could really focus on my violin practice more (I'm too lazy and I don't practice enough >.<)
Granted, you get really good at violin, but the live orchestra you were going to be a part of has been replaced with synth.

I wish Mario Kart 8 wasn't such bullshit. I was playing last night, clearly finished third (I've watched the replay, there's no doubt), and the final results put some asshole who finished in seventh as the race winner and bumped me down to fourth.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You suddenly find yourself getting blueshells and super horns virtually on command. Nintendo then bricks your WiiU for supposed cheating.

I think I'll wish for some Klingon opera now.


Bagh Da tuH mogh
ChojaH Duh rHo
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH

majaq. 'o' tugh
iDaq. majun.
pa'Daq jagh baH!
ou' lo' tlhuHQo'!

tep lagh negh 'uH
mughato' tu'
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH

wo' naj, cha' DIch
Do' chIj, wa'DIch
'ejDo' 'el Da'
Qib'a' bopar

yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH
yIjah, Qey' 'oH

But it's probably a Klingon laxative commercial (because even warriors need gentle relief from occasional constipation).

And I've already had a bricked Wii U (fresh out of the box on Day 1). My PS4 bricked, too. I wish I had better luck with new consoles.