
Sorry if I came across so negative. >< I guess I'll just stand by to one side and have everyone else enjoy the 14th instalment of the franchise. But those designs and the Avatar are just... yeah, I'll keep quiet now. :x
Fates basically needs 4kids level of censorship to become a non-lecherous game - the japanese version is already out, so there is something to judge it by.
I was just pointing out that until we play it ourselves or see it played, we can't really form a real opinion on it. The first time I saw Fallout 3 I wrote it off as a lame shooter game. I even turned down a copy from a friend at one point. Years later I kicked myself because what I thought it was and what it turned out to be was completely different. XD

This might look like a moe moe desuuuu type thing, but it'll probably be optional, if even included in the English translation at all. And it's easy enough to ignore optional stuff.

NOTHING ever needs 4Kids levels of censorship. I'd rather the skinship and bikini armour, thanks very.

This dialogue will either be altered, the game will be rated AO or banned entirely...
She comes across more as a pansexual who had a bent for women but found a person she could truly love. I... don't see an issue with that? It actually reminded me of my own awakening a little - granted I was convinced I was straight then found that one girl who just wow'd me and though things didn't work out, I realised that it wasn't gender that I cared for but people - and thus, pansexuality. ^.^

She just thought she was gay, but turned out to be pansexual, realising that she loved a single person. You can be attracted more towards one gender but still fall in love with someone of the other, you know? It's not 'turning', it just 'is'. Granted, it probably won't sit well with a lot of groups who will scream and cry that she was turned, but really, I think the way she still pointed out that it wasn't him as a female that made her fall in love, but that it was him, himself, regardless of his gender, that is the key point. The female him just made her realise the possibility of attraction. I mean, like she said, she saw all the other peeps as girls too, but it was him - the person, not the gender - that she fell in love with.

I have zero issues with that, bar the end bit where he was all 'don't flirt with other guys/you're mine/no sexual stuff before marriage'. That was pretty ugh for me. The rest? Fine.

Oh, I meant to point out that he really should have consulted her before giving her the drink but it wasn't mind-controlling or anything like people were saying (date rapey). He didn't force his affections on her - he did it to try and help her deal with something he saw she had an issue with. In fact, it was to support her in her desire to get close to women. And she didn't mind it. He still should have asked but it wasn't as huge a deal as some people were making it out to be (as though it was some kind of mind-controlling thing. She just saw him and others in a different light and while that did spark her initial interest in him, she mentioned that she saw the other men as women too and that there was no interest on her part in them, so she was fully aware and in control after he'd explained. He could have done a LOT worse, which is what some people were suggesting he'd done.)

That said, there really should have been at least one other scene before the end one to show them growing closer than before, because the marriage proposal did come out of nowhere, really. Still, they're trying to stick to the formula so it's understandable.
No matter what you think Soleil's sexuality really is, the statement behind her attraction remains the same - that homosexuality is an unnatural disease that needs to be cured. And using mind-altering drugs to make a girl fall for you is not exactly a nice thing, either...

To me, Soleil is attracted to girls, but there isn't any clarity how attracted to males she is.

Lastly, I want a character with tons of manly man clichés that freaks out if he's confronted with anything feminine or anything hints on him being gay. This character should only have supports up to B Rank with other males.
It doesn't actually. At all. He's completely supportive of her choice to go after women which is why she has the potion - because it's to help her feel at ease around women by practicing with a man. It makes a sort of sense - she knows he's a man but she sees him as a woman so she can feel more at ease. It's only after the fact - and time - that she realises she's in love with him. She's still attracted to women - in fact, he asks that she not flirt with men and she says straight out that that won't be an issue... but she makes no claim about women.

I'm failing to see the issue here. Or are pansexuals no longer allowed to exist? Must every person who is attracted to one gender not be allowed to fall in love with someone from the other? I believe it's a great message - love is beyond the boundaries of attraction and gender.
A non-offensive variant would have involved that Soleil keeps her attraction to women (maybe, just maybe, giving her S/A+ ranks with Female Kamui or other girls) and the help given to be consensual.

The conversation is way too loose on the anxiety part and basically declares the girl attraction itself the problem.

As a last word, I want to say that I feel this discussion won't really be resolved. If you want, we can talk about the other game I hate.
who could forget dear ratboy
author=LightningLord2 dialogue will either be altered, the game will be rated AO or banned entirely...

Gonna be honest, it's not as date-rapey as I thought it would turn out to be, but this entire exchange is still pretty crappy and doesn't make much sense. It reads like an excerpt from a hentai comic with all the mentions of "special training" and shit. It should have been written more intelligently, having her realize that love through... I don't know... Dialogue? Discussion? Characterization? You know, basically just don't use magic powder, because you're making it unintentionally creepy by doing so (if their intention was to make a pansexual character that is). Regardless of what they intended, this is NOT going to go over well with the Gaming Public/Press, nor should it.

I dunno. Less on the offensive side, more on the awful writing side. Especially those ending notes about "I-I belong to you, senpai" or whatever. Eugh.

I am still trying to sum up my dislike for Skyward Sword. Every time I try to succinctly describe why I think it's bad I end up endlessly ranting about it.
^Yup, that's exactly how it reads. She's nervous being around the people she's attracted to, so much so that she faints. He's trying to help her acclimatise herself to being around women by being a not-really stand-in (thus, you know, actually supporting her desire to be around women) and she is still nervous in their company but falls in love with him because of his character, never mind his gender at all.

It's a little ham-fisted, but FE games pretty much are when it comes to the romances. They only have 5 scenes to get the romance shovelled in, so there's going to be a lot of time cut out between - time which could be used to show better progression of the relationships. But that's true of all of the romantic options. They're never going to be super deep romances unless they remove the S/A/B/C/D/E grading, but for what it is, it's handled better than some other straight romances in the series.
You're magical to me.
I'll have to see it in-game to draw any real conclusions.

Though, is this the same game where, as the female main character, you can finally be romantic S-rank with another lady? I'm guessing that character is her?
I'll have to see it in-game to draw any real conclusions.

Though, is this the same game where, as the female main character, you can finally be romantic S-rank with another lady? I'm guessing that character is her?

Nope, not her.

I think it was one of the dark mages you could S-Rank with as the same sex (but from what I heard, same-sex romances are A+ instead of S)
oh fe, never change

So I'm going to talk about why FF3DS is the worstest final fantasy in quick list format. FF3DS is a game where...

- You have jobs where you were intended to change jobs and experiment to find what worked. FF3DS fucked this up by adding a stat penalty when you changed jobs that you could only alleviate through winning a few battles. Way to penalize players for trying to use the job system!

- Endgame jobs were intended to be straight-up upgrades on older classes ending with Ninja and Sage in the penultimate dungeon. The endgame jobs got nerfed in FF3DS to bring them more in line with the older classes.

- Enemies and bosses got buffed! Because the FF3DS engine is garbage it can't handle the big enemy formations of the original NES game so it condensed enemies so that they were stronger. Bosses got a second action and were fully capable of killing anybody (read: the healer) just by smacking them twice. Or wiping most of the party by using their party-wide attack twice in a row. Or for more fun times...

- Turn order is random! I don't remember the formula, I think it's 1-character's agility, but it basically means the RNG can decide if the boss gets two turns of actions between heals which can lead to a TPKO, among other fun stuff.

- The game's interface is like something made in the 20th century. Item description is useless and getting half the information on gear requires a before and after check of a character's status screen and you're never told what gives what elemental resistances.

- There are still no save points. The final dungeon in this game is three parts: Labyrinth of the Ancients which has a moment on the world map after where you can at least save and tent up, Syrcus Tower which ends with a long cutscene, and World of Darkness with four optional-but-mandatory bosses, three weaker versions of the boss of Syrcus Tower (unless you don't want ribbons), and the final boss. Failing anywhere requires redoing the whole segment again, and if you saved after LotA and need to restock on items or want to grind (which is largely the only solution to any challenge in this game) then you gotta hoof it through LotA again!

FF3DS is a worse game than FF3 NES which is fucking amazing that you can fuck up that hard. The correct way to play FF3DS is as a target on a shooting range before starting up the least worstest FF, FF5GBA.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
You won't find an RPG this bad anywhere in the world.

Have you played Hoshi wo Miru Hito (Stargazer)?
I've despise all of the Tales of... games I've played. They're way too long with no semblance of storyline structure and the main characters always have stupid designs. The battle systems tend to always devolve into button mashing and for the most part the gameplay is just boring. The only thing that I somewhat enjoy is the optional skit system, which is something that I think other RPGs should have.

I also think Kingdom Hearts is the worst thing ever and should burn in primordial fire. If it were just a Disney fanfiction RPG without all of the dumb Nomura existential bullshit it'd be way better.

As for games I love, Suikoden 2 IMO is the best console-style RPG ever made.
As for games I love, Suikoden 2 IMO is the best console-style RPG ever made.

I'd like to concur but Okami exists. Honestly, I've never heard anyone who's played that game say they hated it. Which is really weird, considering, but good god, that is a great game.

Now if you'd said PSX, I might be able to agree, even though there are games like Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Mana and Alundra on the same console (all great games, btw).

As for Kingdom Hearts, I have to agree. Partly. I can't play that game. It's the only game I've ever come across that makes me dizzy and want to puke and I've played a hell of a lot of games in my time. The colours and the way the camera spins is just... it's horrible. I can't play it. Even thinking about it is making me feel sick. >.<;

It's a pity because the concept is actually interesting and I hear the series goes in some pretty dark places. Granted, I heard this from someone who loves FF13-2 and I have major issues with that fucktard of a game, so...
Okami is great but the whole multiple boss rush segments thing kind of sour it for me. Also, I wanted Ami to be more of a character and not have the little green dude speak for her all of the time. I know she's a wolf but still! Anyway, I wouldn't classify Okami as a console-stype RPG either, so yeah, different genres!

I haven't played Legend of Dragoon or Alundra. Should probably check those out at some point. :p
You won't find an RPG this bad anywhere in the world.
Have you played Hoshi wo Miru Hito (Stargazer)?

I'm intrigued - I'm pretty sure the game doesn't have condescending devs that insult players for having valid criticism with the game, though.
EDIT: Oh, I remember that one - however, the fact that somebody bothered to fix the issues of the game makes me like it more.

@Liberty: I couldn't really garner enough interest to play Okami because of mandatory shape drawing - that's a mechanic that makes me instantly drop away from a game (The Void, Lost Magic and Wonderful 101 being prime examples where I hated it).