I have always had a dream to create my idea and my take on games, I invite you to walk with me.




The C in Cid is slightly cut off. Has that been fixed?

Pokémon RMN Version

Wonder why he hid Jin69's post. Hmmmm.


I was really hoping that conquest would be there. Seems cool none the less ^_^

Main Characters

Thanks a lot. I was really curious.

Main Characters

I wonder how the professor got his name. It seems like it would have a big story behind it.

Main Characters

This may just be me but I feel like the lack of Black trainers is a bit weird. Don't get me wrong all of them look great. I just would enjoy if there was a Black trainer. Of course I'm just complaining, keep on keeping on.

Super Smash Bros. Crusade

I am so happy to see this is back up again! I love this game!

Progress Report - 8/29/14

Will there be shiny field sprites?

The Grumpy Knight

While fighting I used Polpulpil's (Princesses's) move protect the princess and it said Diana sits next to (the enemy) Moumi Instead of the name I chose. Just figured this information might be interesting.

The Grumpy Knight

@AlexBrown: What you describe is an issue not exclusive to this game. It can sometimes occur in any RPG Maker game. You can normally fix it by pressing the NumLock button on your keyboard a few times.

Thank you sir. That help a lot. Have a good day ven.
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