Four Sisters of the Wind
Enter the Hidden Temple and find the Orb of Darkness



Roast me, RMN.

What are you thinking about right now?

So the RM2k3 RTP won't install on my computer. What the hell.
e2: The bots only seem to some in numbers when I'm sleeping. I think I nailed like eight posts out of the hundreds Liberty and Shina have dealt with. I did add

in the bot posts to leave my personal mark of fighting in the bot war though!

Liberty. Is it true you're a llama?

What are you thinking about right now?

The bot rebellion has begun!

of games, representation, and women's cheekbones

A better comparison would be if you were trying to hold a class and everyday the same few people started to shout over you ideas that were discredited long ago. When you shout, they just shout louder, so there's no way to conduct the class without removing them first. Letting them shout is simply not a practical solution as nothing would ever get accomplished and only the discredited ideas get heard.

Hmm... how do you get in the writing mood?

I love deadlines. I love the wooshing noise they make as they go by. - Douglas Adams

What’s Your All-Time Favorite Chocolate Bar?

Home grown chocolate would be awesome. It's a shame it's a little hard to find up here in Mass. I try to go fair-trade when I can nowadays.

of games, representation, and women's cheekbones

What use is the letter if the spirit is allowed to be broken?

of games, representation, and women's cheekbones

if only you were to leave other people the fuck alone. But I have no guarantee of that happening.
The amount of self-ignorance is staggering. Let's not assume that just because you're present for a discussion means that you have to have your voice heard.

The truth hurts and the weak tremble and lash out to defend what little ground they believe they have left.

Can't argue with that. No one looked into a mirror and said "Max Mcgee" three times. More to the point. It's one thing if you're arguing an educated view. The problem here is that all of the dissenters, and I do mean all, have essentially been going "but what about the flat earthers!? That's not worth anyone's time and it's a pain that it keeps showing up without fail.

of games, representation, and women's cheekbones

That's because labels like SJW are a great way to pass the buck and blame someone else for the consequences of their speech. "Oh I'm just being honest. It's you're fault for being such an SJW."

I've always liked the Type B music of Tetris more than Type A.

Type C was always my favorite.

I still have my original cartridge but I can’t seem to find my old Gameboy anywhere in the house. It’s probably stuck underneath my old mattress, or something, knowing where I probably put it. I should probably go look for it one of these weekends to see if I can find it and if it still works.

It's a gameboy. I'm sure it still works.