"I feed on your feedback" - BasedMG 2013



Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

rather addciting game lol

My thoughts when I first played as well

Finished content

An offer of exceptional benevolence.

As Dewelar said, I can't take credit for just doing what I do, but I do have an idea in mind for this request. Are you any good at doing art? I was thinking about doing a "fake" event CG for the good end scene using the PICTURE tag.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

I believe 63 might be what BasedMG is using for Kotone, though.
Kotone's profile has it at 70, but I seem to recall BasedMG saying that this was temporary? I should probably look for this post at some point.

Actually I'm sticking with 70 as her official ID.

Content creation (technical)

I'd like to say something grand like "The entire time I was gone I was able to finish all of Kotone's route and then some! \o/"

...But, sadly, that isn't the case. Truth be told I kind of lost interest for a while, as these things are bound to happen now and then when you're not on a strict deadline. But now that I'm feeling it again, I'll have another update within the week, and I'll try to make it a good one.

Content creation (technical)

Content creation (technical)

I nominate Marrend.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

After job excitement yesterday, the blockage has finally cleared and my ideas are flowing through my fingers onto my keyboard again. I should have another release up tonight, but I don't make any guarantees.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Having some blockage in writing the route; time to put on some Guile's Theme, methinks.

Edit: Of course, I say that and then spend the next five hours farking around on Youtube.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

On Day 50 of my Norkio/Kotone run. Started getting Kotone's events fairly recently. Like, within the past in-game week or so? Not too sure of that.

Damn, sounds like you got hit with the RNG hammer. Her events start relatively early for me, sometimes immediately after the trigger that causes her route to become available. Of course, I'm only playing with the built-in characters in addition to Kotone for testing purposes, so there's that.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Edit (Minor Spoiler): I'm also aware of the club events having a disjointed sense of flow because of the JUMP command. I wanted multiple events within the file to be able to call these scenes for reasons that become obvious if you look at the file. Sadly, jumping to a new story (including the screen wipe transition) was the only way I could achieve that.
Actually, you don't need to jump to a new story to get a transition. You can also get one in a branch. Didn't see you doing this in your code, so thought you might not know. I used this a few times in Noriko's story.
No, I meant that the transition was an unwanted addition to the story jumps. I think I have an idea of how to fix it, though.

Update: The fix is success. Removing the "PLACE = Club" from the jump events tidied it up quite nicely.