

Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure

Brill, you're drunk. No weapons is one thing, but don't go chucking potions at monsters in the nude.

Thanks for the quick fix!

Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure

well now, here's a hilarious bug: equipping an item automatically unequips it. I couldn't put on any medals, and when I optimized all my shields and armor were unequipped.

Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure


Also, how does block buster work? Is 1/2 block buster +50% damage when the enemy is blocking? So 3/2 block buster is +150%?

I definitely feel that the Challenge Tower is slow. For randomized fights that can pit you against the same encounter, it takes too long to win even after you've "solved" the fight already. I can understand if you don't want the "chess puzzle" setup where you only have exactly the number of items to win a single fight, but maybe you should cut down the starting resources and number of fights you have to do?

Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure

I'm getting some major errors somewhere.

ingame, the whole thing hangs when I'm trying to claim medal points at 20 kills.

Process-wise, the game startup lags when the MV logo is trying to disappear. Both here and during the hang above, processor usage shoots up to 30+% for no visible reason. I'm guessing there's a segfault or something at this point.

Restarting did nothing to fix the problem.

Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure

Wow, there is a LOT of stuff here for a "prologue".

This keyconfig is AMAZING. It's really the little things that matter. THESE MEDALS ARE COOL TOO.

Earth Crystal managed to be candid, but needs more of a personality. The umms and yesses were too redundant, add in some side details like why they're really alright with Brill, or some foreshadowing on the plot or how the other Crystals are like.

Brill's inner indecision about accepting the Quest was kinda meh. Could be more entertaining if you had her step back and make random emotes while we're actually listening to the crystal worry over whether she'll say no.

These NPC conversations are spot on. So spot on, I worry if you're spending too much time on this script. It's quite a lot done for just one guy. Garret's a nice guy, nobody's really an idiot, it's only a little hammy here and there...

Considering the sheer variety of potions there are, maaaaybe you should keep them separate from the crafting materials. Same with recipes. Sorting by trait sounds a bit tedious to code, but maybe you could sort by the batch you unlock them in as books?

Feels like there's nothing to do when an enemy defends, at least at the start of the game. Fighting those autocrawlers took so long because I was just waiting for them to stop defending.

Is it intentional that monster stats are not in the beastiary?

This one is a bit trickier to implement, but would it be possible to preview the cast time and delay visually?
For example:
>You select fire formula. You're now choosing which enemy to target.
>In this menu, a blinking red block 1/10th of Brill's atb is on the left end of the bar to preview how long it will take.
>Another blinking black/blue block 1/4th of Brill's atb is on the right end to preview the delay.
You'll probably adjust it differently in practice, but what do you think?

List of bugs or things I found weird so far:
>Hard to tell where the door is behind the grocery
>Regen glitch on battle start. Observed it during final boss on ardin's sidequest, lots of 1 heals at the start of the fight.
>replace "extortion" with "coercion", maybe. I don't think anyone wanted Brill's money.
>Some layering glitches inside Ardin's cell
>Gold knight in champion guild can sometimes get stuck in front of moneysaver merchant
>I don't see braced gauntlets in the crafting menu after learning it. Was that purely a joke?


The short answer is yes. The long answer is "Depends on how big a coverage and how much you're spending".


Could we get a better example of 100% custom battle animation?

Trails of the Divinity

Hmm, UI looks good, and I'm seeing some actual animation, a rarity. Having ripped assets is really not a problem.

This title thing, though. First Tales, then Legend of Heroes/Trails? I guess Trails of Nayuta is enough precedent that you can call it Trails without being connected in any way to Zemuria.

A little worried about the writing. Definitely sounds like Your Average JRPG Plot.

Quick Guide and Q&A

Robert has a bit of leeway in what KINDS of strategies you can use, but you need to actually put effort into making effective ones.

Something to deal with the damage, something to deal damage, something to keep the pressure on without losing steam, etc.

Quick Guide and Q&A

no, just use the dowsing thingy as often as you want to pinpoint the location