Once I amass the entirety of the disconcertingly large amount of stock photos of people shooting strange objects, I will finally conquer this world.



Theme Roulette

i've been wanting to get more involved here since forever so i think i'll try this out! but i think i'm being an idiot, because i have no freaking idea how to roll a random word. there's the link to the post and i followed that but it just looks like a ton of comments. what the heck do i do to get a word? am i missing something here?
i feel like it's probably something really simple that i'm going to feel like a total loser for not understanding what to do haha ^^;;;;

After signing up, you'll eventually get messaged your word and it'll be added to the list on the page. It looks like you signed up already, so now you just need to wait a bit.

Anyways, good luck with making the game with whatever theme you get!


The purple-cloaked person in row 5, column 4 looks like the kind of character that nobody'd like to pick for fear of being called edgy. So, naturally, that's my choice.

What RPG Maker do you use?

I started with VX Ace, and i'm still using it now. I have MV and will likely be moving on to that when I finish my current projects within VX ace, but I'll have to see if adjusting to the differences between them is worth it.

[RMVX ACE] Attempting a simple Day/Night cycle

At the start of a battle, you could run an event at turn 0 that checks the current time and adds/takes away stats accordingly through changing the enemy. The stat change could be done by transforming the enemy into an identical looking one with the altered stats at the start of the battle (turn 0 event in troops). An example is having the version of the werewolf appear with 500 health initially, but if the battle starts while it's daytime, an event in turn 0 transforms the werewolf into a enemy that looks and is named exactly the same but with 250 health, essentially meaning that it has twice as much health at night. It'd be a seamless transition and the player wouldn't notice(unless you want them to, in which case you can add some fancy animation/text in the turn 0 event), except that the werewolf would be significantly easier to kill.

I'm not sure if the time changes in the middle of a battle, but if it does, you can add a "when end of turn & turn 1 + 1*X" event as well that also checks the time and transforms the enemy accordingly. This wouldn't halve the werewolf's health, however, as it will just change a 500 health wolf that is damaged to 400/500 health to have a maximum health of 250, which won't half it but damage it to that point.

This is the solution that I've used for similar ideas, i'm sure there's cleaner and more flexible methods as well.

Hello! Excited to get into this community.

Hi! I've been working on my own game on and off for the past year, and I figured that it'd be hypocritical to expect ANY person to show interest in one of my works if I didn't get involved with other people's creations like the ones on this site. Because of that, i've been lurking around here and playing rpgmaker games from this community for awhile, and it's pretty impressive to see the sorts of things people make.

It is a bit threatening to see brilliant artists and people who've created amazing games in record time. All the talented people inspire me, though, and I hope that I can make some sort of positive impact here as well.

I'm looking forward to everything else in store with this place!
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