I'm a dog pirate
Indie developer.
Winner of the 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Event. Four monsters have been turned into humans!

RPGs with Great Mapping :: a playlist on

  • Decky
  • 11/02/2020 05:13 AM

Rise of the Third Power
An epic drama of political intrigue, betrayal and war, blending elements of western and Japanese RPGs.
Moonsong: First Verse
A long-forgotten enemy stirs in the darkness, and sets in motion events that threaten all civilization...
Beloved Rapture
16-Bit Style Indie jRPG
Ara Fell
A 16-bit era, Japanese-style roleplaying game set in a magical world floating above the clouds.
Memories From a Dream
Create a party and reclaim a lost world from the depths of chaos.
Exile's Journey
A disgraced knight must face his internal conflicts when the world is in danger.