"Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted."

-John Lennon
Second Death
After crash-landing on a strange island, a Chicago cop must face horrors of the wild to save his loved ones and himself.


Edit a notetag for YEM's Skill Overhaul? (VX)

Hey guys, I've come up against a slight problem in my VX game. It's a game with 3 playable characters, 22 classes, 5 or 6 skills for each class, and 5 levels for each skill. Multiply those numbers together, and you break the 999 maximum skills allowed in the VX database. I've tried using wortana's database extender and it does lift the limit but at the cost of slowing the game to a crawl.

The reason I need a completely fresh set for each of the three characters is because I keep the skill levels (1-5) hidden with YEM Skill Overhaul's <jp require switch: x> notetag. When an actor gains enough experience, they learn the new skill and a switch is activated to show the new skill. The problem is, if actors shared the same skills, the experience for one actor with the skill would activate the switch, affecting the other two members.

I have no idea how hard it is to edit a notetag, but if it's feasible, making it <jp require switch: x-y> would fix my problem. X being the switch required to make the skill appear in the YEM Skill Overhaul learn menu, Y being the actor. For example, <jp require switch: 5-1> would make the skill appear in actor #1's learn menu when switch #5 is on. Each skill could then have 3 of these notetags and I could have a switch controlling the appearance of the skill for each of my actors.

Complicated, I know. No idea how difficult it is to add, but I'd much rather have this solution to a game that stutters every 3 steps as it does with an extended database.

YEM Skill Overhaul is pasted here: http://pastebin.com/dmBPEips and the bit about inclusion in the skill learn menu comes at about line 990.

How to fetch a value for Yanfly's New Battle Stats

Hey, I'm trying to make some custom skills based on Yanfly's New Battle Stat DEX, but I'm not certain where the DEX values for each character are stored. Does anyone know how I can turn the DEX value into a variable so I can use it in a common event? Closest I got was $game_variables[1] = $game_actors
[1].base_dex but it threw up an error. I don't really know how to script at all, so it was just a shot in the dark.

Here's the link to the script in my locker: http://rpgmaker.net/users/Drakonais/locker/YEMNewBattleStats.txt

Can anyone figure out what's going on here? (VX script)

I'm trying to set up all the systems in a class-based VX RPG of mine and counters are very important. Several skills and passives rely on them and also they are just awesome. However, I've chosen Yanfly's Battle Engine Melody for my game and its Active Time Battle (ATB) system option. I hadn't realized it at the time, but now it seems every counter script I've tried bugs out when applied to the ATB system.

Shanghai's Counter (code at link below) comes close. It works correctly for enemies. I attack them when they have the state, they attack back with their normal hit. When heroes have the state and get attacked, they are highlighted as if they are going to retaliate, but just display a wait message and the battle continues as if nothing happened.

It's annoying because it's so close to functional. It works for enemies and the right actors are at least making some kind of movement after an attack. With all other BEM options, the script works fine. Does someone have the know-how to figure out where it goes wrong in the ATB system?


Or, does anyone know of a working counter attack system for Melody's ATB?

VX mapping trick?

I've made the jump from Rm2k3 to VX and I've started to put together my maps. I'm ripping most of the graphics myself and I understand that VX has built-in tile set limitations (without the use of a script), so I'm trying to be economical about what I put on those tiles. Just one question: Where is my cut and paste tool?

In Rm2k3 there was this amazing device next to the pen and fill tool that allowed you to crop specific tiles and paste them elsewhere. Beyond letting you move a tree from one place to another, it let you move autotiles exactly as they appear, allowing for a variety of effects in an efficient way. I know about the Shift + paint trick, but the cut and paste tool was so much more elaborate. Is it still in the program somewhere?

Simple VX script request

I have a leveling skill system in my VX game. Experience is gained through a common event each time the skill is used and, if it has sufficient experience, the skill levels up. However, because I'm doing a common event call to run the skill experience calculations, I need a different common event for each player for each skill. Extremely tedious, especially if I end up having to go back and modify the common events for each character.

What would make my life much simpler: a script that stores a value in a variable each time a skill is used by a hero, with different numbers for each hero. For example, if Hero A uses skill Epic Beat Down (Lv 1), the script automatically sets variable Who_Cast_That to 1. Then a single common event can run a check for all heroes: if Who_Cast_That = 1, give Hero A some skill exp. If Who_Cast_That = 2, give Hero B some skill exp. Etc.

Let me know if anyone is available to take this one, I'd be incredibly grateful.

Main character choices vs. Concrete personality

Hey RMN, I'm at a crossroads here with a game design option that I thought might make an interesting topic for discussion. I'm trying to figure out whether to give players the option to develop the main character through dialogue choices.

I've planned a game with alternate endings, so the choices would have an impact on how particular scenes play out as well as the final ending of the game. However, I worry that I do this at the expense of creating a character with depth who has rational motivations for his words and actions.

For example, say the character gets insulted by an NPC. Choices could be 1.) Physically attack NPC 2.) Witty retort 3.) Apologize and walk away. If I've identified a main character as an even-tempered negotiator, it is totally inconsistent to give players the option to slug the guy in the face. Therefore, to leave that option on the table, I'd have to explicitly make no distinction about what kind of person my main character is, thus scaling back on his personal character development.

What do you value more when you play an RPG? The ability to control your player's words/actions and the outcome of the game, or a well-developed character driven by sound motives?

Changing event sprite flicker

I've run into an interesting problem with VX. When trying to make animated scenery, I took to doing it the same way I did it for RM2k3: arrange my graphics so when it turned up, right, left, down, up, it would simulate motion. For more complex animations, I made it run through the sequence above, change event graphic, then repeat the turning motions before changing back to the original. Detailed waterfalls can be created in this fashion.

However, VX (unlike RM2k3) seems to flicker for a brief moment whenever a graphic change occurs, which is very frequently in this case. Is there a better way to show an animation like this? Battle animations won't work because I need them to stay put as the player moves around.

Has anyone else encountered this, or is it just my ancient computer acting up on me?

Another VX script question

This question has popped up across RM forums everywhere, but none of the solutions I've found work in my situation. So here goes:

I want to make it so when you learn a skill through Yanfly's Skill Overhaul, you automatically get a piece of equipment. I've found this little piece of code to call common event #6 through a script:

$game_temp.common_event_id = 6

The common event checks to see if the actor has learned the skill and gives the desired equipment if the answer comes back true. I've tried sticking this code where the windows update for YEM's skill overhaul (can you tell I have no idea how to script?) and it actually works, but I have to exit the whole menu screen and open it back up for the equipment to appear. Is there any way to have this take effect immediately so I can jump from the skill menu to the equip menu and see my new duds?

VX scripting question

I'm trying to make some changes to Yanfly's subclass selection script to show (in the class selection menu) the stat bonuses gained per level with a class rather than the stat changes between classes. The bonuses are kept in this array: YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET.

I've tried just putting YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET in place of the next to show the stat, but I get all the numbers in the array crammed together instead of just the first one. I've tried putting @rstat = , @rstat = YE::SUBCLASS::CLASS_STAT_BONUS_SET before the display text and using @rstat, which accurately shows the number I want, but doesn't update when I change classes.

If it isn't clear yet, I know nothing about coding and have achieved minor success only by cutting and pasting plus dumb luck. I know we have some decent scripters in the RMN crowd. Could someone tell me if I'm even close to solving this, or if I'm in way too deep and just wasting my time?

VX map zoom script

Hey, I'm trying to make a game with RM2k3 feel in VX, but when I use the sprites from the old engine, they look REALLY tiny in the middle of the screen. I'm looking for a script that might be able to zoom in and increase the size about 150%.

I've Googled it, but I was only able to find some forum threads from back in 2007 with dead links.