

Are you happy with how your life has turned out?

yeah, such guys like that teacher should get locked up.... I guess you can never trust strangers.

@ Nightblade: Wow, I'm sorry to hear that but like tau said you should keep your head up. 30's still young plus it wont solve anything...

I can't really comment on the question since you could say I'm yet to be shitted on by the world lol, but so far I'd say I'm content not exactly happy or depressed yet.

My life took a turn when I was 9, before that it was as you could say perfect, My father past away. When he had met my mother he quit drinking but it was unfortunetlly too late and simply a matter of time before he died. Him being a doctor he already knew so he managed to pay for me and my sisters education untill collage with his life savings.

I was basically stuck in a school called rainbow, although it was a good school ( education wise ) and I respect him for paying for my education for the most part, it was just like any other school I guess, sucky.
Why I say school is sucky is simply because I would always get into fights, I almost stabbed someone who used to bully me and nearly cut my thumb off. I used to love watching Bruce Lee movies as a kid ( my dad had a collection of Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris westerns and Bruce Lee movies on video ) because he would stand up for the under dog, was a skinny dude but could kick ass and most of all was like my alter ego since I was beaten ( disciplined as they say ) as a child, I always had a burning hatred inside me and would fight anyone who pissed me off usually older kids who never had no respect ( like they would own the football pitch, steal stuff like my prized game boy and Pokemon and generally picked on younger kids for kicks ). Me trying to be like Bruce Lee and kick ass would happen in the opposite. I eventually formed a gang, I wasn't the "leader" but It was better than being alone. I was like 12 then. I bought a swiss army knife and like I said out of intense bullying I wanted to kill someone but thankfully didn't. After that day I told my mum about it and instead of me moving schools she told me I have to man up to life. Maybe we didn't have enough money to move schools or something but she was right...

So years went by ( I was now 14-15 ) and I eventually learned to control my anger and relax but not for long... Me and my friends went out during the weekend one day to the lake side. We would usually go there and smoke cigarettes, talk to girls, you know the whole bad ass mentality thats so embedded in "black" youth culture ( that in my opinion is over rated ). So one weekend we took a walk to a weird little mud hut, there was a one eyed hunch back guy sitting beside the door. My freind handed him a coin and in return he got this strange looking cigarette.
"Dude you gotta hit this", that was the first time I smoked some weed and I wont lie, it was the best moment in my life so far, Its like all of a sudden I could do whatever I wanted, talk to who ever I wanted and most of all felt like I was flouting above it all. No worries. Man did I love weed, at one point even more than girls.
I would buy and sell weed at school for extra money and just to be known as bad ass motherfucker once again hehe. There was this one time I bought a blunt from a friend of mine who passed away ( Noel ), he said he got it from a slum and it was reputation to be the hardest most bad ass weed out there. He never tried it and wanted me to "test" it for him. me being the pothead elite.

So I took this blunt home, it was a Friday so I definitely smoked up right away. This blunt was strange, It was laced with cocaine. It really mind fucked me, I started freaking the hell out. I remember time slowing down intensly, I could hear repetative patterns of sounds that where non existent but disturbing, Evrything around me felt like it was collapsing and my chest was in piercing pain and so was my head after around 30 minutes. My sister tried to cool me down and I threw a knife at her but missed. I was running around like a crazy person and though something was chasing me and going to kill me. I can never forget that day...

I never quit weed after that, infact I did more than ever. In a way I was chasing that height because it was the most thrilling also I thought I would be a pussy thing to do If I quit after that. My mom eventually found out and I became very apathetic, failed in school and generally didn't give a shit about nothing. All that mattered to me was getting high. I was taken to a psychiatrist and said I was just depressed, pulled the whole sob story about my fathers death. I don't know if that was really true or If was just lying. I had no emotion then
( 16 now ). I was prescribed Amphetamine, for some reason I was hoping I'd get E or Viking ( Vikadin ). I became a pill poper doing Amphs, got my hands on some speed too and also did heavy pain killers, laced weed and some stuff called "Kuber" which was a mixture of heroin, weed, cocaine and some indian drug stuff .

I overdosed on Amphs and Pain Killers one day, for like 2 days I never remembered what happened. The last memory was me passing out in my garden smoking a cigarette and my dogs over me... The next thing I remembered was I was at a hospital then passed out again... after that I was at home and it had been 2 days. I had a feeling like a deep hole in my mind ( withdrawal ) and remember crying myself to sleep after looking for my stash but it had been removed. I then, out of pure will, decided never to do drugs again when I saw how it affected not only me but my whole family. Whenever I'd walk into a room with anyone ( my mom or sister ) they would look miserable and even at times cry. I still had no emotion then but could see that this was going no where. I'd be as dead as my dad... maybe thats what I wanted I don't know...

Don't worry almost done.

So time came and my sister had to go to university, I had been clean for 8 months straight since and was feeling alot better about myself.
I could talk to girls again and have a conversation ( at some point I was a ghost and suffering from psychosis a mixture of paranoia and temporary schizophrenia ), I also used to isolate myself from people and play video games only. No talking, no smiling, no jokes, not even getting into fights.Nothing.

My mom said since I had quit drugs and was doing well in school again I could go do a foundation course with my sister in Malaysia, ( although I would smoke cigarettes and occasionally normal weed but for me that was as clean as Virgin Marys pussy ). I left after smoking one last joint. I made up my mind after that to quit smoking and focus on my education.
To cut a long story short that never worked out. We were living with my fat cousin Roland, I would call him Roll-and-smoke cause thats what he did and eventually I went back to my old ways. The weed in Malaysia is imported from Thailand, These guys want life time customers to they lace it, that got me hooked. I used to be addicted to laced weed seriously. So I stopped going to class altogether, living like a bum stealing my cousins stash and blowing my allowance on more. I was lucky the cops never got me. I'd be dead.
So onetime I was smoking a J watching Animax sloping on a beer and dominoes, my usual fix. My sister was in her room on skype talking with my mom. I never talked to her out of guilt. She, by mistake, left the audio on live and my mom listened in as we had an argument about my life. She came within a week and took me home...That was the end of my joy ride.

I was immediately slammed into a rehab with no exceptions. Guess I deserved it. I saw my future, a psycho junkie with no purpose in life but to make the ones who love you miserable. Thats when my mother told me how my father died. How he was a very smart and gifted man but alcohol killed him. I also learned how weed can permanently mess your head up especially if your a teenager. It's not the 60's man, weeds commercial with no laws to limit its potency or keep laced weed out.
There was this guy who was passed out, his eyes rolled behind his head, foaming at the mouth. Man I saw some disturbing shit, some crackhead smashed the T.V cause he wanted a cigarette, threw shit everywhere ( literally his doo-doo ) and knocked some guy out cold with the lunch bell. We were all half insane some of us zombies. I hard lined it for 3 months ( it was supposed to be 6 ) but I made a decision never to go back into drugs this time no exceptions, not even a cigarette on the side or half a J on the weekends.
It was fucking hard. I wont lie I smoked up late nights at 3:00AM and one time almost got caught, going back to that hell hole and generally looking pathetic woke me up. I said at least let me wait untill I'm older, have a good job and I'll see from their.

Right now I'm focused on school ( collage ) and getting my dream job in games technology as a character designer. I have hope for my life since I'm just 17. My life's yet to begin though. Either I can make it or I might end up dead early like father like son...

Trippy Tileset

yeah but I've never used pictures in rpg maker so I'm a total newb at that.

But you can get some really cool effects with just pictures plus I'm gonna add a lot of hand drawn stuff anyway since I'm not a fan of heavy scripts, at least I can get the art side right but maybe not the fancy features part.

I feel the need to step away for a while.

Pictures In Rmk and on this site

thanks, I like image shak, nice and quick to use, no need to register.

I have a trial and I'm gonna check out the help file after I fix that damn ntitles server error, I know a site for that so its O.K...

The wrapping effect:
I'm guessing you're not familiar with rm2k3's one.
Have you played any game where you walk somewhere forever and the map loops itself for example in Yume Nikki ( dream diary ) you can walk e.g left and pass a door, keep walking that way and you'll pass the door over and over again since the map loops itself.
Its extremely frustrating to do this with events on a large map and just dosent work right, you can tell your teleporting to the begging of the map. The whole reason of the wrapping effect is to "wrap" maps to make them infinetly large.

I saw one for VX ( damn it why dose VX have the best scripts ) but I've looked everywhere on the net for an XP one. I can look for the VX one if you think you can translate it to rgss or know someone who knows how.

Whats Your Favorite Historical Civilization ?

@ alterego hahaha, yeah your right, never mind about that guys hehe....

Yeah...read too much sci-fi, but I still believe in aliens as much as the pope believes in god. We might both be wrong or right but whatever.

Ancient Japan was also sick, Samurai's, Ninjas, Honor, you know but those guys can be a bit too extreme at times such as suicide after failing to do ones duty e.t.c

Trippy Tileset

^_^ thanks for the support.

I used the cut out effect in Photoshop. Before that it was simply sketched out from my imagination in my sketch book ( after looking at some Aztec temples and ancient pyramids for inspiration ), I colored it using pencil color, scanned and blurred the coloring a bit so it isn't too gritty, also I used my graphics tablet to take care of the little white specs visible with a black layer behind the image and thats about it. It took only 2 days for the whole process during the weekend. The tree just took around 1-2 hours tops but came out how I wanted.

I don't think the temple would fit well on a tile-set unless I make a frustratingly super size one. I made a small tile-set for the tree and grass stuff.

Here's a link to the full image of the alien temple. It needs to be downloaded since its too big to post it.
( http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/3228cd7fbf08ea6b06660223c2c3ca3e6g.jpg )
I used it as a fixed parallax background and added invisible walls using events to limit the movement over it apart from through its center pathway. You can do the same for any level in your project I don't mind as long as if possible you credit me or if you don't know where you got half your resources from like me ( lol ) you can use it free just not commercialy bla bla bla copyright laws hehe...

Erase the black dots on the edge, sorry about that, it was for editing purposes but forgot to remove them of the original tileset when I added it to an edited rtp tile-set to test it. The tree's pretty huge...

P.S: You can get some cool background effects like the one on my avatar image using GIMP, simple enough just use the stamp tool on a layer behind the image, it should be layer friendly already, set the tool to patter, pick any pattern and go crazy ^_^.

Love XP for its tileset capabilities, makes it easy for artistic tilesets. lol just sayin...

Trippy Tileset

I've seen there's a lack in trippy stuff for X.P and VX.
X.P's great for combining custom tile-sets and so far I've been using Paint.Net and photoshop to make one of my own thats totaly original. Here some images, Still yet to cut it into a tileset.

> This is a temple/spaceship. Its part of a spaceship that was designed to transcend dimensions through black holes. Fell to another universe on a desert planet and out if it came life that evolved to live on the planet

>This is just a dead tree thats curly, its going in the tileset.

I'm yet to make others and finally make one large trippy tile-set that I'll share with you guys of course. Any ideas or tips guys ^_^.
P.S The temple is alot bigger than that, just wanted something sizable to show you.

Pictures In Rmk and on this site

O.K, thanks.

Yeah, but the help file on my RPG Maker X.P is in Japanese, I think you can download an English one but I'm not sure where.
I got X.P when it was still newish, don't think they fully translated it or something plus I don't feel like buying it again just for a help file, guess it would help though. Might try getting a trial and revising its help file one lonely weekend lol...

Here is what I want to use pictures for:
> I'm making a small manga for my game for special cut scenes, particularly ones where I need to get creative like the dream scenes.
> Each character is going to have a full shot I want to display when you first meet them as I describe them later.

What about Images on my computer, they don't have a URL, is it mandatory to upload them somewhere, I see some photo bucket images being removed, do you have to get a license to share an image??

I also have a big problem with the parallax background ( not the fog or battle background the one used in a map ), it dons't move!!! Is there a script for this or am I missing something?

I also need a wrapping script like in rpg maker 2003...

Sorry just trying to get passed the newbie stage once and for all in X.P. Thanks

Things that piss you off/pet peeves/vent/etc.

@ Kentona, yeah your absolutely right, Religion on its own isn't bad like how a gun on its own is harmless.

Whats Your Favorite Historical Civilization ?

You could say Atlantis is more of a myth or fable, we don't have solid evidence or text books about it much but that doesn't mean it never existed.
When was the last time you learned about the Mayans or Aztecs in class but only for a brief time, or Kemet
( before it was taken over and destroyed ) before it became Egypt?
Some civilizations date so way back we're in a way slowly forgetting about them, also some history seems to be forsaken on purpose. For example the existence of Atlantis and ancient astronauts most likely angered religious beliefs the same way evolution angered the catholic church.
( how our genes are a mixture of animal and alien genes, the gene isis, how we came into existence in this world, you can read more on wikipedia don't wanna bore you with a super long post lol ^_^ )

thus it might have been deliberately forgotten. Why, we would rather believe we were made from stars and light than having evolved through alien interference from apes.

No one ever talks about how real Egyptians where very intelligent and advanced Africans not Arabs or whatever, they where more interested in spirituality, culture, literature, astronomy and the like while most other civilizations where more focused on survival and war like the vikings, the real Egyptians where more rooted and I believe where descendants from Atlantis . Its already provable, all the Egyptians noses where broken off by the Romans because they had African features, most of the real Egyptians where forced out of their land while the Persians ( Arabs ) and Romans e.t.c wrote in history that they where the real Egyptians, that Africans where never at any point advanced and intelligent.

What you read in books, whats magnified by the media and so on is hardly 100% truth. Maybe modern history but even then the government ( CIA ) hold back or change some information untill another generation where everyone involved is dead then the truth is reviled for example the moon scandal, you know how it was a fake ( filmed in a remote area ). If you knew that during that time you'd be killed.