An English Graphic Designer and Illustrator with a passion for gaming!



Deep Realm Heroes 2

It's always amusing seeing how much pure charm old-school visuals have in 3D games - they look so cute and fun!

Legion Saga X - Episode One: The Children of Prophecy

Legion Saga III was my favourite RPGMaker 2000 game and really got me into making my own RPGs. If you want any art assets doing or help let me know I'd gladly chip in on a project like this.

Dark Age

This looks wonderful!


This looks great :)

Golden Age: Endless Dungeon

Releasing this at last feels GREAT!

Deep Realm Heroes

I LOVED this game!

Deep Realm Heroes

I really enjoyed this game :)

Shadow's Reach

You still pushing along with this game Enker?

Creation is still ongoing - I've had to re-script a chapter of the tale in order to create a better flow to the plot whilst maintaining the GAME structure (too much exposition in extended chunks doesn't sit well when gaming, so I've broken it up with events and spread it across a longer period of play time). I've recently completed what could be classified as the second 'world map' segment and am fast coming up on a suitable cliffhanger spot for a new demo.

Battle-Yak vs the Ghoul Bots

I love the Gameboy-like visual style, and will eagerly look forward to a demo version!
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