Some Kind of Staff of RMN

Formerly Cecil Beoulve
Also Izlude
And Ashe
King of Grayscale 2
Sequel to King of Grayscale, a black and white gameboy-esque title!



"I'm still alive" "He says he's still alive" "Well, he's dying!"

i gotta stop expecting any good to come

Sorry I'm late but I made it

How to make an RPG Maker game that is not too popular or unpopular but juuust right

RPGMaker games can be popular?

I haven't forgotten about stats. I've just been busy (avoiding stats)

I think that others (including myself) would be just as happy if you made a post saying hi. I'm sure your heydays are always missed.

Hey, I have some offensive things to say.

A CHALLENGE FOR THE NEW YEAR: Make a game sometime this year where an alpaca is prominently featured. Do it. Doooo iiiiiiit! You'll get an alpaca badge!

I don't
How do I even
Ok. We'll see where this goes!

Considering Pre/Sequeling all the Final Fantasy titles T.T so much work

Okay maybe not EVERY title :p

Considering Pre/Sequeling all the Final Fantasy titles T.T so much work

I already have ideas in mind for the front or back of both FF4 and FF6... not to mention I think it would be a lot of fun to make one for Final Fantasy Adventure so I could practice with some action rpg elements. My love is for Final Fantasy Tactics, I just don't think I could make a proper title with that name. And who wouldn't want a pre/sequel of FINAL FANTASY MYSTIC QUEST~

Decisions, decisions...

I'm debating releasing a demo for FF:Sky Warriors, I just don't know how long it should be...

I also considered releasing it in a sort of 'Episodic' variation of uploading pieces at a time, I've seen a few other game pages do this and it looked interesting.

Just which one to do...?

33 years on this earth and over half of that spent using RMs. I certainly feel older, but not quite sure if I'm wiser yet. XD

Lib, why are you as old as me and have the same years invested RM experience as me?

It's creepy. I'm only like 2 months older, too.

Also happy b-day!
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