Old School RPG Maker.
Ascending Dreams
Legend of Zelda style RPG Maker VX Ace Game!



Screenshot Survival 20XX

Does anyone know if it's just events in general that cause Ace to lag, or a certain type of event? I've heard that Parallel Processes are the culprit, but I want to be certain- there's no lag right now, but I basically need to simulate a large part of a third layer with events for this tileset, and that issue is only going to become more prominent in later areas.

From my experience, if there is enough of them, the events don't have to be doing anything for them to cause lag. If you're constantly flipping switches or variables, then you're asking the engine to refresh the map, and then it has to look at every event to see if changes it or not.

If you find the events slowing you down, use a picture that's fixed to the map, or make a really big custom charset to reduce the amount of events.

Wonderful visuals as usual though. I really like the lighthouse, and the depth/sense-of-elevation in the mapping.

Punk, looking good, but I agree with Pizza's thoughts on the trees.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Looks good as always Dookie. Would be cooler with some type of explosion, or poof, when they transform, maybe even a little dance or pose after!

[RMVX ACE] Fully Autonomous Monster Event (F.A.M.E) Engine

In my action adventure game Ascending Dreams I had to program each enemy event for every map. Doing the copy/paste method, and redoing each of them any time i made a change. It sucks.

Since then I've learned how to script a little bit, and modified a script called
"Duplicate and Auto-Untint Events v1.00 by AdiktuzMiko", which can make clones of any event from any map. From there, I added methods and variables to the Game_Event and Game_CharacterBase classes for things like enemy HP...

(not the complete script, just a small example)
class Game_Event

attr_accessor :hp
attr_accessor :ap
attr_accessor :name
attr_accessor :hitable
attr_accessor :switch
attr_accessor :id
attr_accessor :move_type
attr_accessor :make_steps
attr_reader :killed

def set_stats
if == ("Armor")
@hp = 50
@ap = 1
@drop = 101

alias :old_update :update

def update
@brainclock += 1
self.priority_type = @s_priority_type if == ("Bat")
self.anime_count += @s_anime_count
old_update unless @stun_time > 0
check_hp if @hitable == true
@hurt -= 1 if @hurt > 0
check_hits if @ap > 0
stepsound if @make_steps == true && !@mute_steps
enemy_ai if @killed == false && @stun_time < 1

So doing this allows me to have 1 main/prime/master event for any enemy i want to spawn.

Something you may want to check out is the "near_the_player?" method in Game_Event.

  def near_the_player?
sx = distance_x_from($game_player.x).abs
sy = distance_y_from($game_player.y).abs
sx + sy < 20

I edited this to

def near_the_player?
sx = distance_x_from($game_player.x).abs
sy = distance_y_from($game_player.y).abs
sx + sy < @vision #how far the event can see

So now I can use that method, combined with the @vision variable to increase or decrease the enemy's vision. So if I said @vision = 5, then when the player is within 5 blocks it returns true.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Infinite, I actually like the no-ceiling effect. Also what kind of game is this? Bullethell in RPG Maker? :D

Yeah, it's turning into a type of bullet-hell-zelda-metroidvania-rpg

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Thanks. I like the darker/claustrophobic/closed-in feel of the no ceiling style. I could put in a bit of effort and add one that fades to black to provide a similar feel, but this way works well enough for me.

I have a feeling your water looks better while it's animated.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Screenshot Survival 20XX

@Infinite-That looks infinetly awesome sorry not sorry. What's that behind the Shelf in the bedroom though?
@Chilly-Pheese-Steak-That looks awesome! I love how you can change your clothes :)

Ha nice catch. It's an event square from the map editor. I screenshot the bare map and load it into photoshop, forgot to move the event.

Btw thanks guys...
and that cheerleader is awesome!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Been messing with the rtp

[RMMV] What do you guys do about RPG sound effects?

I like to use to make most of my own sounds.
I used Acid to edit, mix, and re-render them.