My email is: sweetstudios666@gmail.com...

Contact me for anything..!

-J- :-D



Are you happy with how your life has turned out?


I understand a lot of the things that you have sited SO well... particularly the social skills that people tend to take for granted (making banter) I just don't understand how people do it; I guess it doesn't help that all of the things that I am interested in are Niche to say the least... there not disturbing, but not everyones cup of tea...

@Nightblade and Tau...

Shit... I must admit I was lucky with my parents... they've been far too good to me... if fact probably the only ones in my life who have..!

But I do understand what it's like to have your trust usurped...

When I went to my first Secondary School (ages 11/12 - 16-18) there was this teacher, and although the memory if fuzzy, I seem to recall staying after class coz he told me I needed help with the subject that he taught me... then the next thing I remember I was bend over the desk, with my right arm being held behind my back, my school trousers round my ankles and him *ahem* rubbing up against me... the next thing I remember clearly is being at home and tell my parents that I was NOT under any circumstances going there any more...

I don't think anything happened... only because I do vaguely remember after the initial shock feeling this terrible rage inside of me and picking up this Stanley Knife that he kept on the desk to sharpen pencils and then stabbing him in the thigh... but I've never been able to work out if this is truth or a memory that I've made up to protect myself...

I'm 24 too now, which is depressing within itself (lol)...

Have never been able to hold down a job. The adrenaline gets me through the first 2 weeks say, but there's only so long that can last and after that I stop being able to talk to anyone so I just can't get anything done...

So yeah... *greets two new people in the same old boat* :-)


Are you happy with how your life has turned out?

I'm happy enough on a daily basis, but recently I have been finding myself getting *slightly* annoyed at the growing feeling that when I was young (6-9 years old) that I did 'everything right' but got nothing but grief...

I'm not saying that at that age I was perfect, but I didn't fight, was kind, talkative, helpful, playful etc... but for some reason at that age, that attitude to life garnered a LOT of bullying both emotional and physical, and has left me a bit fucked up now about other people, so much so that I'm practically mute in social situations and the idea of talking to new people fills me with dread...

In the last few year's I've tried to sort myself out (lose weight, half way there now, study coz the bullying left me a bit paranoid going to school so I didn't lol) but it's annoying to think that me, the individual is the one that has to fix the problems that OTHERS made in me...

Apart from that I take solice in the fact that I was born in a Western Economy and to nice parents...


Wow, you have made progress..! I like..!


Stuff - Updated Oct 20, 2010

In the Video, when you went into the Status section of the Menu for Cliff, it still shows his name as Shori, btw...

Still looking MOST excellent btw... :-)

RMrecker... I need a lil' help...

...Another thing that *might* be at play is the fact that icon resources contain multiple size/depths of icons, but I really don't know much about that or how to solve it.

I thought that might be happening... I did notice that in the standard RPG Maker 2003 big Icon was a girl with a sword, but in the start bar it was just the sword...

I didn't know that Resource Hacker could be used to do that..! Thanks psy_wombats... :-D


The person in the bottom left has a green square around him..! You need to flood that CharSet with Transparent colour using iDraw... Its the first colour on the palette.

RMrecker... I need a lil' help...

Hey Guys...

I was just wondering if anyone could give me an explanation of the finer points of using RMrecker to change Icons; or if there is a better programme out there to do it..!

I've managed to make an Icon(16x16, 8 colours), and apply it to RPG_RT.exe with RMrecker telling me that everything has happened correctly, but THIS happens...


What I want to happen is THIS:


Can anyone help..?

(Btw for SOME reason on Windows XP, this doesn't happen...)

Refuge Shelf.png

theres that cross-stitching green stuff agian. Pray enlighten me with what it is and why it is like that.

Those are vines that grow at high level... It gives another layer to the map, and allows me to 'fill in' the map without giving the player more obstacles to walk around... :-)

I think it gives a more detailed map, without cluttering the floor..! :-)


now i see what those green thing are....but why are they like that?

Those are vines that grow at high level... It gives another layer to the map, and allows me to 'fill in' the map without giving the player more obstacles to walk around... :-)

I think it gives a more detailed map, without cluttering the floor..! :-)


hmm... I hardly think 20 feet from a building countz as wilderness

True, I guess then it should be renamed 'Entering the Wilderness, outside Refuge City'... :-)