

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

You said the Open-source version was out, is it up yet?

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

57,340 damage
See, now it's an SMT game.
Lol, wow! You're right. It IS an SMT game now! It's a challenging game where your tactics make a huge difference in how well you do!

Also, I lied earlier. This, however, is truly the last of me trying to deal stupid high damage.

I suddenly remembered Karsuman's comment about Violet being broken, and realized that I was doing it wrong earlier. Whoever it was that said it takes a woman to do a man's job was apparently right. Violet pwns. Period. End of Story. O_O

BTW, I'm curious Neok, can anything in the game survive this? XD

Holy mother of God and Satan. What level was Violet at?!

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

Also, Neok, where do I find the Shadow bosses in the Underwater Facility and the Dam Facility? I've combed over both but couldn't find 'em (and NML3 is only accessible after you beat the game, correct?)

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

This is the best goddamn RM2k3 game there is.
Well, I'd say that Hero's Realm is also up there, but it IS top tier for me.

Fair enough. Though admittedly my view is a bit biased; Alter Aila was the game that got me interested in RPG Maker in the first place, so I have a bit of a soft spot for anything related to it. The fact that this improves on virtually everything from the first is just an added bonus and now I've lost my train of thought.

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

Neok, I love this game a little more than I probably should.
In all seriousness though, you've made leaps and bounds of improvement on this since the original was released. The voids that were the personalities of each character are no longer there, and each one comes out fresh (though Dread is still the scary mofo he always was). I'm on Phase 6, and I'm eagerly awaiting Gray to show up (and for your usual epic choice of endgame music.) Only thing I'm gonna ask is a list of where the floaty guys are and for which location they are for which character (IE: Gray in the factory, Erin in the Abandoned City, etc.) Other than that, I just have to say, I have to agree with what others said before: This is the best goddamn RM2k3 game there is. Kudos sir, expect to hear from me again once I get to the post-game content!

Visions & Voices

So far I've only gotten the Telia ending, though in truth I only plan to go for the Elena ending in addition, and MAYBE the Solo ending, just because I'm interested in seeing how absurd the Wanderers' stats will be with the boosts in place (though honestly, I dun think I'm heartless enough to go for it, the thought of Ox dying is quite depressing.)
Last question: Did you intend to make Marlowe as aggravatingly enigmatic as he ended up from the beginning of the project, or did he just turn out that way?

Visions & Voices

Right, so I finally got around to finishing this, and I have to say, the acclaim is well-deserved. Despite the fact that the game isn't as dialogue/narrative intensive as some of the other good RPG Maker games out there, the characters are each well-defined and interesting, and the overall plot for the story is equally understandable. Moreover, I was very impressed with the balance of the gameplay (meaning that, unlike a lot of other games, no character was really better than the other, it all depended on the way that the player went through the game). So yeah, awesome game. Though, I did have a question regarding the endings. I know that out of the five possible endings, one is the Telia ending and one is the Elena endings, and another is probably the bad ending if the player doesn't get the Telgium by day ten. Might I ask what the other two endings are (though one of them may just be the solo ending.)


Is there a game that includes the events spoken about in the prologue, or is that just for background info?

Chrono Alter

Found a game breaking bug: In 2300 AD, after both switches are pulled, you can't enter the boss door.

Final Fantasy Dreams

I've been experiencing the same problem as Minato, mind helping us out?
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