Doing Super Programming
on Super Computers
for Super Performance
The Curse of Cpt. Lovele...
Nautical-themed cephalopod-pirate-based action-shmup.



Rm2k3 Converting Coordinates

Multiply by 16, than subtract by an offset corresponding to where you're screen is on the map. for 20x15 maps, this offset is always 0, since the screen doesn't move, but for bigger maps, it would be beneficial to have an event in the upper left corner of the map, and take it's screen relative coordinates as an offset.

Tracking AI Help [2K3]

Yes there are plugin(s) for this.
Following the hero without getting stuck in terrain should be possible with anti-freaks pathfinding plugin. To see if the hero is within the visible field of the boss can be done with my line of sight plugin, however you'll have to add event code yourself to prevent the "not just behind a tree" scenario from happening, possibly by checking how far away the hero is as well.

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

Been working on a revamped version of my Particle Effects Plugin. I didn't really like the old one, because if you'd try to create streams of particles with it, it would often start lagging. That, and the identifying the effects by a number, which could be different from each playthrough, depending on when and where you save didn't seem quite ideal to me as well. So that was changed into actual names, similar to that of the text plugin, and the new version supports both single bursts of particles as well as streams, which you simply need to start once, and they will run until you give it a stop command.

Through tests, I noticed that my computer could handle a stream of until around 24,000 particles before the fps started dropping below 60 ( when using now picture file, and when all particles are only 1 pixel big that is ).
Here's a tiny video demonstrating the new version.

What's the Longest You've Needed To Stay Awake?

Probably around 85 hour-ish, cuz military can be a bitch.
Towards the end of the mandatory military service, we had to go through the dreadful Hell Week, which basically meant doing rough outdoor military exercises for around a week with no food or sleep ( with the "week bit" luckily being cut down to 3 and a half day.. roughly.

One time event though, and never been close to that since, thankfully.

I don't believe in horoscopes, but this is interesting. It's the "story behind your date of birth"

Also a 9, and just about not a single thing was correct, despite the cold reading aspect of it. But then again, given the nature of it, I'm not surprised

Line of Sight Plugin

it could be a problem with the latest dynRPG version. It would sound a bit odd still though, especially for your variable trouble, seeing how the plugin doesn't even access any variables. If you send me the project along with some instructions about relevant events and stuff, I might be able to figure it out though, or at least speed up the process of figuring out the problem.

Line of Sight Plugin

There's nothing in the source code which could imply such an error, and I also cannot reproduce your problem. Are you sure that switch 1523 does not activate anything else (or your variables for that matter)?

[RM2k3] Need help with step counter!

Yes, using the trigonometric event solution to check every tile is probably going to be a rather bad idea. You would have to make several clever optimizations for that to work, and even then there's no guarantee it would be efficient.

As for DynPlugins, you could indeed say they are working "outside" the rm2k3 engine. Calling a the plugin with a comment or so is not entirely free though in terms of performance, but I suppose you could still try.

[RM2k3] Need help with step counter!

Nope, you don't. The regular loop is not just a little faster, it's tremendously faster than the parallel process. Within a loop, it can execute 10,000 commands within a single frame before it times out. If you reach the limit of 10,000 commands within one frame, it's time to rethink the code (probably even way before that).

Assuming you execute 10 event commands per tile, that would mean 3,200 commands, which is a lot, but still significantly below the limit. At this point, you really really want to tell rm2k3 that it can stop executing this code, such that it can move on to other event scripts. If you don't you'll be executing 6,800 more lines of code which does practically nothing useful before it can move on to the other event scripts. This is very likely to cause lag.

[RM2k3] Need help with step counter!

Assuming you can easily check whether a tile is it outside the character's view, then this sounds like a typical task for a loop indeed. Just make sure to actually exit the loop after you have gone through all tiles. By letting the code either execute a wait command or reach the end of the event script, you tell rm2k3 that it can continue to the next event script for that frame (thus preventing lag).

If the check for whether a tile is outside the character's view is big enough, this could still cause lag though, so you'll just have to try it out to figure how well it works.

edit: 320 x 0.0167 = 5.344 seconds
I'm not sure how you're including the extra page, but you would have to do some very peculiar to face extra penalties from it.