Hey there!

The name's Angus McCallum, but you can call me King Sangos.

I'm a 28-year old video game developer who's stretching his wings out with making RPG games. I'm a former graduate of the University of Portsmouth with a bachelor's degree in Computer Games Technology and a Master's Degree in Mobile Media Applications.

I was the lead developer of an RPGMaker VX Ace game known as BLANK, which ended up being pretty cool. But now I'm looking to make something a little more scary, so I'm working on a new title called NIRAVASI.
There is protection in perfection!



BLANK: Intensive Development Time!

So, since I've written a demo review all the way back then, I suppose I should review the completed version too, to give it a proper score and such. Should I wait until this update is done?
Hey dude!

It'd probably be better to review the game now. This expansion won't be completed until a few more months (possibly 4-5).
True, but on the other hand, I did ultimately end up waiting for a long time back then. I suppose I can wait for a little more, but be assured the review won't be outdated again so after I submit it.

And just another question: how long is the game now, and how long is the expansion planned to be?

The game at the moment should last around 4-5 Hours if you play naturally without deviating into some of the optional content. Doing the latter will add 2+ Hours in.

The Spirits Within will likely add 2-4 more hours of content in.

BLANK: Intensive Development Time!

So, since I've written a demo review all the way back then, I suppose I should review the completed version too, to give it a proper score and such. Should I wait until this update is done?

Hey dude!

It'd probably be better to review the game now. This expansion won't be completed until a few more months (possibly 4-5).

BLANK: The Spirits Within

Didn't read most of it, but sounds like a good thing :^D! And the arts are lovely :^3. I better finish this before the expansion is out then.

Cheers and good luck. Also, does the subtitle mean this game will never have anything to do with Final Fantasy, like the movie? xD

Hahah! No, I would never subject anybody to that kind of torture!

He knows too much...

But seriously, thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate them. ^^

BLANK: A Patch in the works!

Didn't read the text, but man, those are some cool monsters and graphics and NPC faces. <3

I wish I was a generic man NPC. I could live a generic life full of lefts, rights, ups, downs, and silly one liners.

It's a very soul destroying gratifying experience. : >

BLANK: The Game's Released!

AND the changes have been made. Thank you very much for letting me know about the Certain Hit options, Unity. Your help is always welcome! ^^

BLANK: The Game's Released!

Was the Attack skill set to "Hit Type: Certain Hit?" That would mean that it always hits, regardless of the character's Hit%, which would mean that even if they are blinded, their attacks would still hit

I'm not sure. I'll have to find that out for myself, but if it's true that I've set the abilities to a default like that, then you are a literal godsend for telling me the answer of fixing it.

I'll be able to set Blind back to the way it was intended to be used.

BLANK: The Game's Released!

Hello! So glad to hear about the game's completion! ^_^

I've started playing again, and I've noticed that the Blind status removes your ability to Attack. Given that there's no Defend option, this is a little frustrating for me, as it forces me to use abilities or items even if I don't need to, sometimes wasting MP or items simply because I have no other choice to progress in the battle.

Does this also mean that if a character is Blind and Silenced that they have no choice but to use up items? Also, what if there are no items left? Or if they are just Blind but out of items and MP? It seems they would have to reset the game to continue playing.

I think that drastically lowering To-Hit chance would be preferable to disabling Attack. Tho if you really want to stick with the No Attack When Blind, and you don't want to add back a Defend option, then I'd suggest adding a Wait command so that we can at least do something to progress the battle if no other options are available.

For some odd reason, Blind was bugged for me. No matter what I did to change the values, the actors would still always hit the targets. Also to compensate this, I just made the skill disable the attack function as you said.

But I'll add the wait function to the battle system, just so the player's not stuck not bring able to do anything.

BLANK's on hiatus for a bit.

Well, I hope you have a good holiday! I have played a bit of the demo too, actually and liked it a lot more than the others I have played so far, actually (except for OMNIS: Erias Line, but that's as complete as it's going to be). I should have a review done by the end of next month, since I'm unfortunately swamped with IRL stuff at the moment.

Hahah, why thank you for the kind comment!

I look forward to reading your review when you have the time. ^^
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