I enjoy playing and creating games (mostly RPGs) and have a love of story and characterisation above graphics. I've been into RM* since '96 and have used all makers - started on the PSX makers, found and used a patched version of the SNES RM, then moved to RM95. When I found RM2K I finally decided to join some forums and I've been a part of the community ever since.

Absolute Justice

Site last broken: 7th January, 2017
Before that: 24th May 2016
Wolf and Kid
Save your best friend, a wolf.
Resource Source Info
Varied Window Skins
14 Window Skins for VX Ace, created by Liberty.
01/29/2014 04:07 PM
Crypt Set
A series of tile and sprite edits for a crypt-like building.
01/29/2014 05:02 PM
Ghost versions of all the Ace RTP character sprites.
01/29/2014 05:13 PM
A series of edited RTP monsters.
01/29/2014 05:27 PM
Generated Heroes!
Generator versions of the VX Ace Heroes... because it's hard to make them match so I did it for you.
01/29/2014 05:43 PM
Autumn Tiles
Tiles with an Autumnal lean.
10/08/2014 05:00 AM
Inner Tiles #1
Different inside tiles for the discerning interior decorator~
10/08/2014 05:04 AM
Bloody Water
Water that is bloody and a blood trail.
10/08/2014 05:07 AM
Quatrz Set + Weird Walls
A set of quartz dungeon tiles and other dungeon oddities.
10/08/2014 05:19 AM
Gothic Church + Walls
A few gothic-inspired church tiles and walls with ornamentation.
10/08/2014 05:21 AM
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