

Spes Amor et Ressurectio

I'd take online translation programs with a grain of salt. They're not all that great at converting multiple words and keeping sentence structure.

I trust that your title is at least somewhat accurate though.
I didn't use an online translation program. I searched for the Latin word using Google.

Legend of Zelda: Eternity Seal

What the hell?

Sonic RPG: Legend of the Seven Emeralds

What's you're progress?

Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages

You're lucky. I can't download it at all.

Spes Amor et Ressurectio

Actually, it's supposed to be Hope, Love, and Resurrection. And I came up with the 'sentence' by googling "How do you say (word) in Latin?", then putting it together.

EDIT: Is it resurgo instead of resurgum?

Spes Amor et Ressurectio

Apparently I have no clue, so why don't you tell me what is wrong with it?

Spes Amor et Ressurectio

It's latin.

Spes Amor et Ressurectio

I hate to say this, but Bronze Soul is the stronger-looking project, overall.
That makes it worse that I can't work on it!

EDIT: And what makes this game rougher than Bronze Soul, anyway?