

[RMVX] [RMVX ACE] Anonymous Agony Dev Jobs

Hello, I am the lead developer for Anonymous Agony. I am looking to hire help for the release of our future episodes.
I am looking for co-eventers and Co-mappers. A scripter for about 5 systems and most importantly now someone who can assist with Steamworks and handle the uploading and patching in of Achievements. These are paid jobs, and I would prefer to focus on main development, writing and audio enginerring than learn anything new at this point.

Payment varies between jobs, and on top of upfront payment royalty payment will also be awarded.
Our first release sold around 2000 copies to date and you can see it's first episode released here -

We abandoned the episodic release so the next release will be the full game with the current release becoming a free demo at a later date. I am offering free Steam Keys to applicants so they can decide if they want to work on the project.

Thank you guys, please ask any questions here or through PM

[RMMV] [RMVX ACE] Dsiver144 Script & Plugin Shop (50% Discount)

Can you be hired for VX Ace?

[RMVX ACE] Hiring VX Ace scripter for menus (PAID)

I am in need of about 3 scripts.

I am willing to pay $100-$150 per script.

The first is a cell phone system.

With buttons linking to common events.

Also with the ability to receive text messages through a script call.

The second is an instant messenger contacts page.

With the menu also being common events.

These said common events will be contacts.

I have all the graphic material made. I would like the "online" "offline" status changeable with a switch.

The final thing is a simulated PC desktop.

Or a mouse script thst can activate events by clicking them.

I'd like there to be an email option similar to the texts.

Again all the graphics are made so just need the rest.

Payment upfront

Anonymous Agony


Guess what's stopping you guys from a new two hour demo?

Just some actors currently recording~
Get reaaaaddyy. Fully voiced, functional Shell System, art, the works.


1 2 3
4 5 6

I like #2. Or maybe #5 depending on his personality. If he is kind of weird in some way, give him #5. If he is a sage-kind of person, giving straightforward advice and being pretty normal, give it #2.

Thank you much for the advice!!

OK... Can we have a gameplay update/changelog now or something?

More demos are planned and coming as soon as they can. The game is very large, complex and has a lot of systems.

Hospital Side First Look

Video isn't working. You need to use a particular link in order to get them to work. That link being one like this:
If your link looks different then it won't work with our youtube tags.

Woops, fixed! Thanks!


Looks good, but all those images you've recently uploaded should be resized (besides the loading screen, that looks fine.)

Also... I hope that's not too pointed a question, but since my recent review on Divided Infinity received no comments so far, should I take the apparent resumption of work on AA as a sign that my plea for DI to be rethought is being taken to heart?

Both projects have been in development for quite some time simultaneously.

Your review for DI, like anything we have or will receive have been taken into consideration. Please look forward to the future demos for DI and AA both.

For now, click "view image in new tab" until we resize.


I think he's referring to the fact that your character looks rather thin, like it was stretched to fit. I agree with slash on the text, it's the biggest eyesore. The outline of the text looks ugly, and even though it may enhance readability as opposed to having no outline at all, find a way to either space those letters out or make the outline more subtle so that the text doesn't look like it's all joining together.

Ahh, well nothing is changed with the portrait, style at play is all.
We're working on making the text/color scheme for this section for read-able.


He is squished really badly. Please make sure you shrink images proportionally.
nothing is shrinked. I'm bot sure what you mean.