I am one half of Outhouse Studios.
I like to make films, games and comics.
During the day I teach Japanese and during the night I perform as a fire twirler or acrobat when I can get the work.

My favorite genres and styles are: Horror, Sci-fi, Western and fantasy.
The Eyes Of The Forest
A victorian age horror. In an age when Christian dogma and Industry has spread across the world, the old gods of the forest are restless.



The Sewers

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The Eyes Of The Forest Review

Just in case people read about the stealth bit and think the instant game over sounds horrible (because I'd think that) Before each of those stealth bits is a room with nothing but a save point in.

I wanted there to be some reason you wouldn't want to be seen, other than teleporting back to the entrance of that room.

So even though there is an instant game over bit, it's not as horrible as it sounds.


Ah, that sounds really different to the first one, I thought you meant just a remake of the first one with the same stuff but better graphics and stuff.


I may have to get a copy of that, didn't know there was a remake for the ps2. Thanks for the info.


author=Ashes of Emerald
THat is so cool. Sounds awesome! What silent hill is your favorite?

Number one. I heard for so many years how two was so much better but I really didn't think all that much of it. Pyramid head was really misshandled. I mean I thought he was creepy at first but the first time you meet him in game you just get locked in a room, dodging his attacks until he leaves. It really shoves in your face how harmless he is from the get go.

Loved number one though. I thought it was cool that you didn't know the whole story unless you went looking for it, otherwise you got to the end and just survived, having only scratched the surface.


author=Ashes of Emerald
Ah okay. Very silent hill'ish. I like it. I'm curious as to what the goofy ending is. I can only imagine if you're following some of the prelaid work by silent hill.

Yea the idea is taken from silent hill. I loved that so much.
On the second playthrough, when you get to the underground, instead of the big shrine being there it's a crashed alien craft. There's some dialogue stuff and some funny music, then you can watch a little 3D movie with a ufo and finish with a picture of the hero living in outer space.


Three real ones and a joke ending which kicks in a little earlier if you're on your second play through. You get different endings if you are nice to people than if you are a dick to everyone, and whether you put on the vampire slayer's suite when you find it.

Only one is completely composed and in the game, the others are all in pencil drawings around the the floor. The joke one is getting some 3D stuff done.

At the moment, if you are mean to everyone you can get to the ending but it skips over the final boss because that's not made yet.


Thanks. It's from one of the endings.


Yea, maybe. I'll see how it looks.