Author of: Dragon Quest - Legacy of the Lost
Dragon Quest: Legacy of ...
Fangame inspired by Dragon Warrior 7 and Dragon Warrior Monsters




Thats RTP too, isn't it? It looks quite nice!


Hey, its Mega Man X enemies!

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

I'm glad you enjoyed it, nesfreak64! I certainly did my best to recreate the feel of DW7, as it was one of my favorites as well.

I am hoping that the future versions of Legacy of the Lost will be compatible with current save files, but I can't promise it will. Sometimes scripts can cause errors unless you start over from the beginning. In the next demo though, I will give people the option to skip all the way past Cardial.

Let me try and answer those other questions too! :)

A. Good find! I'll be sure to fix it.

B. OddDance may be just a little over powered for that region! I think I'll change it to a single target magic drain spell.

C. Most certainly! I also enjoyed that region in DW7. I have tried to come up with completley original regions, but I was influenced by Hamelia. A Great Flood is also like the perfect way to wipe away a region too!

D. I might adjust some of the enemies. I originally didn't intend much grinding to be done in Cardial. The next coming region will make it easier to grind though since EXP from enemies will get a pretty nice increase.

E. I'll see about letting the weapons guy sell his things in the tower too.

F. Hmm... I can see where more save points would be a good thing, and not be all that hard to implement. I have planned for certain long dungeons, to have save points at certain spots, but my hope is making most dungeons not so long or incredible hard that a well stocked team can't handle it without dying. On a somewhat related note, I am trying to incorporate a better Game Over for the game, so that if you die, you can "respawn" at the last safe location you visited, losing half your gold. I found a script for this, but its not working as intended at the moment!

G. I've added the present bar for the future release. :)


Okay, I'll try that and see how it looks. :)

Thanks for the suggestion.


I guess it kinda is! It's Dragon Warrior Monsters / DW: I and II styled water. Do you think it looks bad?


Thanks for the feedback, guys.
And Khos, I'll try some editing the tiles and see how I like the result. Those are all good points and I'd assume it'd look better with it. :)

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Let me answer those questions for you!

A. I'm using a combination of both the old and new names for spells. In general, the three basic heroes will use the new naming scheme for their spells (Frizz, Frizzle, Kasizzle. etc) whereas monsters will use the old naming scheme (Blaze, Firebal, Boltslash.etc).

B. Maybe not as huge as Dragon Warrior 7, but it'll be quite large! There will be 13 regions and the "final" part. I'm estimating the finished game to be well over 20 hours of gameplay, even longer depending on how involved you get with sidequests, breeding, casino games and things of the like.


Looking for feedback on this picture! The majority of the graphics here are entirely custom. I used Zelda: A Link to the Past as reference for drawing the pyramid. :)

Forever's End

I can tell you the colors didn't bother me in the slightest! The game is excellent so far (out of the Sewers now)!

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

You just have to get Oruba to Level 2. :)
If you haven't got him yet, make sure to talk to every member of the village atleast once.

There is a maze path in the woods, very much like Zelda. To get the path, make sure you have Holy Water, have tried to get through the woods, and then talk to Rothberg.