Author of: Dragon Quest - Legacy of the Lost
Dragon Quest: Legacy of ...
Fangame inspired by Dragon Warrior 7 and Dragon Warrior Monsters



Zephyr Skies: The Winter Sage

I truly do not get this at all. First I thought the game really had glitched out on me, so nice job pulling that effect off.

But the game keeps doing the intro over and over again and its just not fun. I'm sure its a decent, maybe even great game past that, but there is no way I'm playing that tetris thing even one more time.

Regarding Balance

Thanks for the feedback. I think it'll work out well too!

I hope the battles weren't too "painstaking" tho! ^^

Asylum of pleasure & pain Review

This game doesn't look like one I would enjoy, but it looks interesting! I'm sure its something many people would find enjoyable.

I especially like some of the face portraits I see, cause they're from my favorite game, Tactics Ogre (know I saw Warlock and Seyle)!


Wow, that is some really nice fan art!

Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages Review

I really enjoyed this game as well! The dialogue in the game was great and was really just a fun game all the way around.

Looking for Beta Testers!

I've got a good variety of beta testers now! Closing recruitment.

Thanks to those who joined up. :)

Looking for Beta Testers!

Sure, the more feedback the better!

Sending you a PM shortly.


That would be really neat! I don't know how difficult something like that would be, but I can try!


Hmm! Does this look better?


Hm! Well thank you for the comments! I will be keeping the generic accessory icon as the ring.

Link_2112, I might try removing the boxes and seeing how I like that. I kinda like it as is, but perhaps it might look better without the boxes (haven't tried it yet!) :)