Messin with the gaming world for the lulz



How many maps do I need for a average demo?

I still think it depends on both the number of maps and the events included on them (which also lengthens the time on gameplay). I remember playing an old german rpg maker game where everything happened on just 3 maps alone.

Random Art Topic

Like it, but the eyes are really a bit too big.

Yeah, its old stuff. If I redrew her now she'd look much better than now.

The Death Penalty

What about the games were you are encouraged to die? Does that count?

Random Art Topic

One of my older works. I think I drew her when I was bored one day... D:

Terra Nova: Eyes of the Machine

Last time I played this, it had horrible lag. But that was a few years ago. Does it still have lag or has that been fixed?

Macro Machines

Surprisingly, this can be used for a top-down space shooter as well.


Soo...is this game fully translated or what? Even if half translated, I'd still (and will) play it.

Infinity 2

I still think this is a bit too much for rpg maker, but whatever. I'll still play it, regardless.

The Rare/Obscure RM Games Request Topic

I know this is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know of an old rpg maker game that was sci-fi and had a tactical battle system? I think mostly everything was custom.