notorious rpgmaker 2k3 shill
Just a dog makin' games. Shoot me a PM anytime!
An open exploration-based puzzle game with a cool dog.



McBacon Jam 3

Yeah, thanks for streamin' our game, Libs! Really helped out and gave us a lot of varied reactions. C;

Screenshot Survival 20XX


What does anyone think of my backgrounds? Been putting 2k3 to the test!

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Jeez, LockEZ. That's kinda unnecessarily rude.
Personally, I enjoy the enemy design, and your shading technique, but your colors need some work! I feel the yellow should fade more into a shape dark orange than a gross-ish brown.


I love the style! <3


Woah, this is really impressive for rm2k3~


Screenshot Survival 20XX

Thanks everyone! Really appreciate the warm response.
@Caliduim I see what you mean! Honestly though, I think with the faded colors and the moving background the player will be able to contrast what's what just fine.

@MarkusT I really like your mountains! I feel as though your grass and dirt tiles are too sharp colorwise, though.

Got another little world preview done, with some intentionally weirder colors.

I'LL DRAW YA SOME AVATARS (Since I missed National Kindness day)

Decent! Been so swamped with school, though.

Screenshot Survival 20XX

Dookie, looks awesome! The angle of the sign is a little weird considering the angle of everything else, and I share the same criticisms as everyone else on this page, but otherwise it's lovely.

Happup .gif test stuff. I made the background move, too!