Neo Jado
Practical Ridiculous Action



How planned-out should your RPG be before you begin?

Plan out what is difficult/tedious to redo.

Improv what's easy to fix.

This is project specific. If internal causality is important to your plot, get it right get it tight.

The freedom to tweak and improv, which I find enjoyable, is always there, regardless of how much prep work you do. The prep work is there as a tool to help you make a better project.

Logic in games - where do you draw the line?

If you want realism, realistically people don't talk to every random pedestrian they meet.

What you can consider is that interacting with NPCs allows you see what the NPCs are doing, as opposed to having the protagonist interact with them. Earshot eavesdropping scenarios can give you want you need - passing knowledge onto the gamer without unrealistically having every person talk to the hero.

You could do this just to mix in with actual total stranger interactions between NPC and hero.

In my opinion, though, if you're making a game with traditional RPG mechanics, you do probably need some suspension of disbelief to make it enjoyably playable.

Even if you can square away dialogue, and items, there's always things you can question.
"Does sleeping overnight at an inn really heal my wounds?"
"Why are major roads, traversed by many people, so populated by killer predators?"

That kind of thing.

RM2K3 [help] dodgeball-type event

Depends on how the game works. If I made this it wouldn't be some punk kid getting pelted with balls, it would be full court dodge ball. So I would prefer allowing an early button press, possibly having it drop his hands after a few seconds. Did you ever play any of the Super Dodge Ball games? Like that. It's a solid setup.

Right. I suggested my simple setup cause OP was talking about a 1v1 setup with only left/right movement. A full dodgeball game would be a different story.

RM2K3 [help] dodgeball-type event

Something like that. With my setup, I'd probably go with a key input processing checking if you are holding SHIFT. In the event that checks if the ball hits you, I'd add a branch checking if you are holding SHIFT. It would bypass the damage code and instead run some catch ball code.

The only concern would be not allowing the gamer to hold SHIFT before the correct time. Maybe check if SHIFT is being held too early and then penalize by letting you get hit?

RM2K3 [help] dodgeball-type event

I should be able to create a way to catch the ball, too. I might add this to my game :D

Catching the ball is a great idea. Give you an key input opportunity if the ball is right in front of the hero.

RM2K3 [help] dodgeball-type event

Divide the minigame arena into LANES or COLUMNS, however you want to call it.

Say you have 5 different columns.

Have a separate "ball" being thrown from each column depending on which lane the coach is in (keep the ball in each lane invisible and change graphic to visible when thrown)

Then have switches track which lane the hero is in, changing when he jumps from one lane to the other.

Ex. (Hero is in lane one, jumps to lane two = Move Route - Switch HeroLaneONE OFF, Begin Jump, Move right, End JUMP, Switch HeroLaneTWO ON)

- This way he won't be hit if the ball is in the danger zone MID JUMP and before he's done "changing coordinates".

Have the ball's defined movement route Turn ON a Switch once it reaches the "danger zone" for the Hero. Parallel check if the hero lane switch is one simultaneous with the ball being in the danger zone = hero hit by ball.

I did this quick little minigame without ever using X,Y coordinates. The graphics suck but you get the idea.

Uh, hold on, I just realized that this recording doesn't show him getting hit at all. Let me rerecord and upload one with him taking damage.

There you go.

[2K3] Good Mini Games?

Should be simple enough.

What do you want to know? To answer your exact question, yes you can make that in rm2k3. Do you need advice making it/want to see an example or something similar or what?

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Top hat and gas mask now available for all my sprites!

Considered giving his gas mask a monocle...still considering it :D

Gas mask? Miasma setting? Delicious.

Battle animations

Using 2k3, I'm switching to battle animations for character poses in battle for the added flexibility. I set up the animations at dead center of the 96x96 and center of the target zone, assuming the poses worked like they do with a battle animation on a target.

For some reason, they didn't. When I switched the pose type to battle animation and tested it in battle, I noticed that the target zone location of the animations was slightly above. About 16 above what I assumed would be the spot.

It's not a terrible inconvenience for me in that I have to make separate animation sets for the poses anyway, but I was wondering why that was the case.

Is there any reason the animation isn't centered on your character? Also if it's supposed to be off, how off is it exactly so I know for future reference?

Has anyone ever done a Grandia-style battle system in RM?

I think the party and enemy combined visual representation of the ATB gauge was the standout feature of the first Grandia, not particularly the underlying mechanics.