Saya likes to draw and play video games. =w=



2011 RMN Summer Games

Surrealism for gamers.

(From the wonderful lady that does the Zap! webcomic: Check it out here.)

if you were a final fantasy character, who would you be and why?

Lightning. So that I could redo the game to make the plot less convoluted.


A mock-up for a new game?


Persephone and Asterion, huh? Going for a theme in Greek mythology? Lovely monster as usual, by the way. I actually really like your style.

Why do events not move sometimes?

Did you flip a switch right before the "set move route" option? I did that once, and experienced the same thing you did. It was fixed when I removed the "control switches" option.

Opening Scene.jpg

Why are all evil overlords called something like "Zarlon" or "Xander"? Why can't there be one named "Steve"? Or "Gertrude". That automatically makes for a backstory.

I became evil because the kids at school picked on me for having a girl's I killed them all. Mwuhahahahaha!

How do I make this more "fun"?

Huh... truth be told, I'm not that big on puzzles. I'm a fan of light re-directing puzzles and maybe ice sliding puzzles, but not much else. It always kind of annoyed me in a way.

I think that Golden Sun did a good job with puzzles though-- where you use psyenergy to manipulate the environment and get where you want to go. Maybe they had a slight issue with making it a little bit too easy (you see a pillar, you move it, you see a puddle, you freeze it, ect.) but it's a good idea in theory.

Having a boss in the middle of the dungeon rather than at the end is a neat way of breaking things up.

And um... treasure. Treasure makes things a lot more fun. You can't believe how exciting it was in FF7 to find new materia for me. (Perhaps the whole materia system was fun in itself?) Guild Raiders is also a good example. Maybe V&V, but I guess I was too busy avoiding random battles than being excited by treasure in that game.

One thing that WAS fun in V&V was having the characters speak randomly (maybe there were events, now that I think of it) while inside the dungeon, having small conversations. It was a nice distraction.

That's just my 2 cents.


Someone should make an avatar using clips from "Do You Want to Date my Avatar" by the Guild.

Do you want to date my avatar, she's a star, and she's hotter than reality by far, wanna date my avatar? =D



Man, I love the graphics in this screenshot, but I can't help but feel that your main character's sprite stands out too much. Not a fan of the hair color, and the black outlines contrast the softness of everything else.

This is a really big issue in this screenshot, but the others seem to suffer from this effect as well.

Spriting is hard, but I think it would be worth it to do some editing in this case. At least remove the black from around the blonde hair?

Fires/smoke in XP

Okay, this is really stupid, but I still haven't figured how to animate fires and smoke on the XP RTP without them moving. Can anyone suggest how to do the move route so that I see the animation but the object stays in the same place?

Nevermind, I figured it out!