I am into just about every genre of game really. My brother and I grew up dabbling in RM2k3 on occasion to the point where hearing the RTP soundtrack brings a wave of nostalgia, so I'm most familiar with that engine as far as RPGMaker goes.

Check out my game I'm working on!

Legend of Alkior: The Impending Storm
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.
Legend of Alkior: The Im...
Tension between two kingdoms rises as the seal on the renegade archmage, Xargath, inevitably fades and must be promptly restored.



+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

I was wondering if the damage formulas for both regular attacks and skills could still be changed with the RPS+ patch.

I currently have SkillDmgRevamp=4C0DE4,#5,4C0DF8,#10,4C0E1A,#10,4C0E2F,#20 under Quick Patches to set ATK, DEF, and INT accordingly and it seems to be working as intended, but I wanted to make sure that the addresses being modified here weren't being accessed elsewhere in the executable and that changing these wouldn't adversely affect the program elsewhere.

Also, I was testing out %1 for RPS+ and the effect for Attacks seemed to work but not the effect for Skills.

EDIT: I left out two lines from the new Quick Patches because I was using the Quick Patches from the older PDFix patch.

EDIT2: No, the skills actually aren't working as intended, even with the quick patches I was missing.

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

I was first thinking it would be nice to work in pokemon fan game project or make a fan game of my own, but then I thought about the legal ambiquities and other difficulties about implementing ready made game mechanics and concepts... so no fan games.

Instead I thought about making more original game idea and concepts with pokemon style gameplay. Currently in my mind is this megaman/pokemon crossover world where people battle using special robots. I've already created the core concepts and now I need to brainstorm different robot models, attacks and abilities. My aim is to create engaging battle engine with strategic depth.

First I checked RPG Maker VX Ace and other engines to see what I would use to implement the game, but I choose to use python programming language and pygame modules if I ever implement the game. I can do programming and music for the game, but I would need help with graphics if I ever made full game...

Since it sounds like you're just getting started, definitely start small.

Start your battle system off with only like 4-5 "robots models" maybe with only 3-5 customizable features each. Don't worry about graphics or story/world building. If you want to add context to your game so that people know what's going on when they test your game, just use text and background still images.

DO NOT worry about graphics! But if you want something as player characters to show to the player, go into MS Paint and take 2 minutes MAX to draw each of your robot models. They may turn out goofy, but they can always be changed later. Graphics are easy to change, while fundamental game logic is not.

Remember, I'm not trying to sound executive here. I'm only trying to give some advice.

Also, I agree with you to not go down the fan game route. By doing so, you kind of lock your self into a tighter framework that you need to work around. Your audience could be limited by the game that you are basing it off of, and those who do play your game will go in with certain expectations that you may have a hard time fulfilling (doing the game justice, etc, etc.)

To make your game stand out, also don't use ripped music. There is plenty of other great royalty-free music to be found across the interwebs.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Or allow evasion if the Skill_ID is below a certain number:



This actually sounds like it would fit right in with my system! However, since your current DPFix patch doesn't modify row bonuses or the damage formulas, I have to stick with your other RPS patch so I can keep my modified damage formula.

This has been tremendous help so far though! :)

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

From what I tested, accuracy of skills will always just be based on their success rate and ignore AGI
... found the problem.

There's a parameter to Skills that is not accessible in RM2k3 anymore (that "failure message" thing). It gets reset to 'magic type evasion' (ignores AGI values and conditions (such as blind)) when deleting and creating new skills in the database.


If ATK influence is set to zero, then AGI (and blinding conditions) will be ignored (for proper magic skills). To allow evasion (based on AGI of user and target) just put the ATK influence to 1 or above.

And don't forget:
So hit rates don't cap out at 50% when AGI(target) / AGI(user) reaches zero.

Btw. there's a bug in the original RPS patch (I think every encounter type was considered a normal front attack). Mayhap I will have to waste my time afterall for an update.

Those are some helpful updates, but I may not make use of them (like the SkillAccuracyFix) because I don't want to allow some hero party physical skills that cost a lot to use to possibly miss. It would be helpful for the enemy side though.


New question: Without adding any patches or plug-ins, does being in the back row reduce your own attack accuracy?

I also think that the default AGI formulas are fine for my purposes.

What are you thinking about? (game development edition)

I'm currently organizing all of my project notes into strategy guide form both for myself to reference while continuing development and for the player potentially.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Thanks for the reply! I think I might remove Back Attacks from my game then, since now I know about that bug that swaps the row bonuses. Instead, I'll see what I can do with Pepsi's ATB Overhaul and just use that to set all enemies to move first upon entering a battle.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Interesting idea, but I actually planned some abilities to have ATK and INT influence, so that would complicate things to some degree. I may end up changing some things yet.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

If anybody could elaborate on this part of the README for bugmenot's PhysDamageFix patch, that would also be very helpful.


Damage of a "2 Weapon Style" hero is calculated seperately for both weapons. The same thing wasn't done with the accuracy
(calculated with the weapon's AGI)

Also, directed more towards bugmenot himself, in case he sees this:
I know this might be asking a lot, but would you be able to combine your PhysDamageFix patch (the one that fixes Back Attack row bonuses) with the RowPhysSkills patch (the one that can give row bonuses to skills with a specified attribute and allow the formula for damage to be changed)?

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

I thought about that, but afaik, turning all enemy regular attacks into skills would ignore all evasion boosting or accuracy reducing spells/equipment/conditions. From what I tested, accuracy of skills will always just be based on their success rate and ignore AGI or other factors factored into evasion.


The only reason I need enemy attacks to have an attribute is so that my Protect/Shell spells work as intended. And the method for getting those skills to work right involve attack attributes. I need to somehow give all enemies two attributes to their attacks: 'Physical' (a weapon attribute type) and 'WNonElem' (a magic attribute type). This will make it consistent with how all of the hero party's weapons work.


Hm, if there is no way to implement it like this, I may instead have 'Protect' only affect physical skills, making it more situational but more consistent across the board.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Hi, is it possible to give enemy's regular attacks (not skills) a damage attribute type? Is that something feasible with a plugin or patch? Thanks!