

How are we doing? A survey to help us improve RMN

It's funny that you bring up other names like SnowOwl and say they were just expressing their opinion. Actually they were expressing their opinion in an extremely toxic way. People get booted for being assholes while expressing their opinions, not for the opinions themselves. You guys must wear the same glasses.
<snipped for meme post>

How are we doing? A survey to help us improve RMN

Thanks Kylaila, I will. You take care, too.

How are we doing? A survey to help us improve RMN

It's probably true as I've been the last few months that the problem is in part me.
It's true that I have been mean to people. But even a saint would eventually resort to such things when some of the mods show such obvious bias. I realize the mods are free to run the site as they please but it's also pretty obvious they are not getting the growth they want with how the site is run right now.
Call it a conspiracy or whatever you want, but if you can't see it, you're likely part of the problem.

You're right, I don't care as much as the people running the place if stuff improves. Maybe it's spite, maybe it's not. I can't say I'm sad that there's less new people visiting the forums with the way things are run right now. I can go elsewhere, like many others seem to be doing.

How are we doing? A survey to help us improve RMN

Well, I got unbanned a short while ago.
Yeah, Snowy apparently decided to go off the deep end at some point.

I sure did. Too bad I'm not friends with the mods like you so I can get away with it. I'm actually pretty sure most of them dislike me.

I have been negative lately, sure, but I feel it's warranted. I developed a pretty negative view on the forums during the last year, from having a really positive view. I probably made some unwarranted posts, sure, but the mods friends regularly make the same kinds of posts in the same threads and get away with it all the time. Maybe if they're reaaaally obviously throwing shit on someone they get a slap on the finger or a "hey, you silly lovable person, you, that joke wasn't funny".

I came to the forums for discussion, not forum games and all that stuff. Some find those worth their time, good for them, I don't. Discussion doesn't happen anymore on the forums.
Anyone not sharing the very clear opinions of more than half the mods quickly get warnings. The rare case of discussion happening quickly get turned to shit because the mods do their best to shut down anyone not sharing their opinion, and so pretty much everyone tiptoes around them and praise them for doing a actually poor job.
I'm fine with mods taking part in discussions, sure, but if they also at the same time throw out warnings like "hey, that sort of opinion is not fine and here's a warning", what kind of discussion does that create?

I'm pretty sure a lot of people agree with me, they shut up and take it or just don't visit the forums, which is quickly turning into the same ten people having 90% of the posts and when someone complains they're destroying the "great" mood that these same ten people created by singing each others praises and jerking each other off. "Hey you silly nugget, why you gotta be so negative when we are having so much fun over here!"

How's that for an honest opinion?


You know a community is dying when the mods have to make threads like these, and it's the usual 5-10 people doing the rounds, half of them being mods.

I appreciate Corfaisus always being honest.

Certain Posts Not Appearing On Latest Posts Section

You need to meet the quota of politically correct posts.


My new years resolution is to only post on RMN after at least 3 beers.

President Trump

No idea what you are talking about, I haven't changed a thing in any quote.
If you sound ridicilous, it's all thanks to yourself.

President Trump

the lengths some people here will go to be scared of a boogeyman is incredible

I couldn't agree more! I doubt you and me are thinking of the same boogeyman though.

the reason the theory of intersectionality was created was actually to address the feeling that focusing solely on viewing feminist issues through the lens of gender was not enough, but that also other factors, primarily class and race, had to be considered.

Or in clearer terms, it wasn't the males that were to blame for every wrongdoing ever done, it was the white straight male specifically.

President Trump

I read it, don't you worry about that.
You went from calling it classism in the first few rows to progressively more and more talking about the ol' Patriarchy™.

("We live in a country that unfairly prioritizes men and masculinity in ways that does damage to people of all genders; how does that affect my life and how can I change it?")

Anyone would be able to guess this is a post about classism, right?