

President Trump

But claiming they're all leftist is blatantly false as long as Fox News exists.

Don't put words in my mouth. I said they play favourites, not that all of them are the same way.
The media as it is now is not a unbiased way to get news, it's just another political tool. And the majority leans one way.

And don't keep bullshitting about how doing proper polls can still result in biased outcomes. There's obviously a chance for a couple of percents up and down in either direction, but if close to 100% of polls show wrong in one direction, there's a very big chance that something is not right. Either the people doing the polls used biased questions (for example: "Clinton is the clear winner in this election, don't you agree?") or the results have been manipulated.

Personally, I don't give a shit about who won, except I lost a couple of dollars on my stocks, but I do find it pleasing how the media got what they deserved and how they are now acting like babies that dropped their icecream.

President Trump

The polls are a pretty concrete example that the media is biased. You can swing it around and call it complex any way you want, but the fact remains that if they had done proper polls, the result would have showed the actual, real outcome.
There are plenty of ways to do surveys that show close to real results, and yet pretty much all polls done showed that Clinton would win. I'm sure it was just pure coincidence.

President Trump

I think one thing this election showed very clearly is how corrupt the media is. All the polls showing Clinton winning? They probably asked groups they knew liked Clinton, or just changed the results to their liking. This whole "Silent Majority" schtick is bullshit damage control.

There's no fucking way they couldn't have gotten results that showed Trump would win if they had done their work properly, and the headlines after Trump won shows just how all-in they were with Clinton. "How do I tell my daughter we elected a racist, sexist bully", "US election rigged against Hillary Clinton", "An American tragedy", etc etc.

This is why I never ever trust the media on anything political, they play very clear favourites. And people know it too, it's like journalists live in this bubble and people are getting real tired of getting the same middle class leftist opinion showed down their throats by the media. I think that's as much to blame for people not reading the paper (on internet or in actual paper form) as anything else.

I sincerely hope this teaches the media a lesson, but judging by the crybaby reaction from the media it doesn't look like they'll be changing any time soon.

What are you thinking about right now?

Frogge just talk to him

>People itt sad that white men cause issues when white men cause issues
>Oh no I feel so sorry for the white men causing issues

As if Obama and BLM don't get enough shit lol
I don't feel sorry for people who are actually causing issues, but it's demonstrably false that only "angry white men" voted for Trump. S'all I was saying.
Yeah I was more concerned with snowowl than you. Don't take it personally snowowl, it's only the things that you say
That's totally fine, the things you say are also crazy. Nothing personal, ofcourse.

What are you thinking about right now?

If the media could stop pretending that only "angry white men" voted for Trump, then that would be great.

Angry white men are the go-to people to blame when something doesn't go the medias way. When was the last time the media blamed any group for anything but white men?

What are you thinking about right now?

So how many days until the world stops caring about the elections and the next end of the world scenario takes over the news? I'm already fed up with this one.

What are you thinking about right now?

It's already done, according to the news in my country. Victory for Trump.
My stocks are gonna go down, which is pretty much how this is gonna affect me in the foreseeable future.

The Meaning of Life according to the Dalai Lama

Some people are happier than others, due to both external and internal factors. There's not a single person in the world that can be happy all the time though.
I think it's hard to discuss what being happy means because it differs from person to person.

I also disagree. I consider myself happy/content(for a prolonged time) every now and then. Don't take this like I'm saying anything about you, but it seems harder for some people to be happy. Why that is differs, but the mindset of the person certainly plays a major role.

A Night at Hotel Deuce

I'm glad you liked it. It's not my most polished game, being made in a little more than a week, so there's stuff here and there that could be improved but I'm happy with it either way. Maybe some day I'll revisit the game, time will tell.
Any and all playthroughs are perfectly fine!

What are you thinking about right now?

Well if the "non-academic" is a politician, then yeah sure, he's wrong.
Most politicians are so far removed from reality that it's fucking ridicilous. But if you take someone who worked as let's say a technician of some sort vs. someone who studied the profession for a comparable amount of years I'd trust the actual technician most of the time. There's probably a better example to make my point but I can't think of any right now, but surely you can see what I mean.