

Guess the Game!!!

lol Nope!
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Umm... It's a Jaleco game?
It's hard to give more hints without giving it away.

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Winner of teh "Guitar hero hero" Award

12/12/2012 aka The Mayan Prophecy

Hmmm... Tough choice, that =/

Guess the Game!!!

PSX game
A puzzle game
horror-themed backstory

Guess the Game!!!

^_^ ty

How about this one?

Guess the Game!!!

Trigger man, I belive

Keyboard to Gamepad

Then what's up with it? >_<

Keyboard to Gamepad

Perhaps not teh right forum for this, but it seems appropriate.
In an attempt to get *some* use out of my Gamepad, I'm trying to find ways to let me use it with all sorts of different programs, MMOs in particular.
I've tried both Key2joy, and Xpadder, but both seem to have the same problem of failing -_-
It's not that my gamepad doesn't work - both recognized my gamepad as a gamepad, and Xpadder even had a color change over the buttons to let you know they were being pressed. It's just that nothing happens - the button presses fail to emulate keystrokes. Is there something wrong with the programs, my gamepad or my comp?

12/12/2012 aka The Mayan Prophecy

I think the LHC is more likely to kill us all than a theoretical polar shift anyway. the big bang was huge - even a mini one will be big =/

12/12/2012 aka The Mayan Prophecy

yeah, the second 12 was a typo, sorry

And the date on teh mayan calander is something liek
There's actually an explaination behind the prediction, but It's late and I don't wanna look it up again right now lol
It had something to do with a portal to teh netherworld tho

The most popular scientific theory is that the magnetic poles will shift and cause the earth's plates to move around, and no one's sure if the shift will be over a period of days or years. Either way, major natural disasters if it happens.