I make and play games - playing games I use as a reward for reaching specific milestones within my various development projects. I've played a wide variety of games, having started at the tender age of three and worked my way up over the years so that, at one point, I was actually going out of my way to find the original games (cartridges, CDs, whatever) to play.

All games I elect to review must be 'Complete' status (though games still in the process of clearing out bugs are fine and will be noted in the review itself). These games must have a download on RMN (as I pass them to my Dropbox queue) and need to be self contained - everything I need to play should be in the download, without needing to install anything (including RTPs; we aren't living in the days of slow connections anymore, people). You should also have any fixes in the download, not something I have to look through the comments for - I'm going to be avoiding them like the plague until I've finished the review.

When I review a game, I try to play as much of it as I can possibly stand before posting the review - I make notes/write part of the review as I'm playing, so a lot of what goes into the review is first impressions of sections. I'm also not a stickler - things don't have to be perfect - but I've seen many examples of things not done perfectly but, at the same time, not done horribly. I rate five categories on a scale from 1 to 10: Story, Graphics, Sound, Gameplay & Pacing, and Mapping & Design. 5 is average to me, so it's not necessarily saying that category is bad - it's saying it's middle of the road. Games within the same editor are compared to one another, not games across editors (I'm not going to hold an RM2k game to the same standards as a VX Ace game due to system limitations, but I won't let it hold back the RM2k game's rating) - unless the game is part of a series across multiple editors.
Legion Saga X - Episode ...
A fan updated version of the RPG Maker 2000 classic




I have to agree - you've got too many colours going on at once. With less colours, it'd look less busy and help to do away with a cluttered look. Right now, I can't focus on your keywords because so many things are in different colours and I can't tell what's actually keywords or in any way important.

What are you thinking about right now?

Wow. This has turned into one hell of a mishmash of picking and choosing which of Nietzsche's tenets to follow mixed in with some good old fashioned Buddhism and a very strong twist of Thelemic tradition. I'm very impressed.

Goodbye, World Map!

I'm curious - what were the technical limitations that caused you to shy away from the fully navigable world map?
I'm going to be intentionally vague.

It was a myriad of issues here and there concerning the visual limitations of the world map tileset, the presence of lag, parallaxing concerns and the inability to adequately fit everything we wanted to in one 500x500 tile map. We spent a little time discussing possible concessions and solutions concerning the above.

In the end, we came up with an idea that seemed fair and we ran with it.

Cool with the intentional vagueness - I expected it was something to do with either the visual limits on the tilesets or the lag, so that pretty much summed it up. I'm at an early point in my own decision process whether to go with a world map or another system and looking at the reasoning others have for choosing one or the other.

Goodbye, World Map!

I'm curious - what were the technical limitations that caused you to shy away from the fully navigable world map?

Stay Warm Script Request Rpg Maker VX

I can almost guarantee you you don't need a script to do this - the required effect can be done entirely using events.

Parallel process common event handling the lowering of your warmth meter at all times unless there's a switch tripped to regain warmth. Same parallel process could also probably handle the warming up part when the switch is tripped.

Then, on the maps when you build your fire, have it turn the switch on when you build the fire, and then toggle the switch when you're a certain distance from the fire.

So, Another Brand New Mana Game Is Slowly Upon Us

It depends on how they do the microtransaction model.

If you're paying for each individual chapter in the story, that's better than say charging for items/characters/whatever within the store. They've actually released some decent games using the first format, and the end game pricing isn't too horrible (usually in the $15ish range for the entire game's worth of chapters).

And if it's not something you need to finish the game, but a convenience, that's yet another thing.

But shit like energy to keep playing or whatever, screw that noise. If I'm playing a game, I want to be able to play as much in one sitting as I want without waiting on horrid timers to gate gameplay and make it last longer.

Attempting to create a skill merge system...

Yeah, when I'm writing on the forums, I tend to only give people pseudocode so they'll have to figure the exact implementation themselves. My main focus is getting people to think about what the program's doing at each individual stage.

So how far in your process currently works? Can you select Skill 1 and 2, but the game doesn't yet set your selections to a variable? How are you currently handling the selection - do you have both lists show up at the same time? Or do you select one from the first list, and then the second list appears?

I've got some vague ideas on a way to accomplish all of this, but I'm interested in seeing/hearing how you're currently doing it first.

All talk, no play

I don't quite have the words to address the first part, but I've got something for this:

An even more frightening question: if we realize that creating the thing that we want to create is beyond our reach - should we even try in the first place? Is the process fun enough to continue? Will "settling for less" be good enough? And is this notion particular to personal preference, or is there an objective statement to be made about the fruits of creativity not appeasing the ambitions of your own mind?

I'm of the belief you should always try; you don't learn and develop if you aren't attempting to push your limits, you're just instead developing your existing skills into rote maneuvers. Given an unlimited budget of time, you can accomplish any goal. However, we, as finite mortal beings, do not have an unlimited time budget - so, in the end, there's some decisions that have to be made. Are you working on this for other people to eventually experience it or is this for personal "I did it"ness?

In the case of something that you want others to experience, there's a point where, inevitably, you're settling for slightly less than what you envision (imagination to finished product conversion rate is never 100%). If you want others to experience it, you will have to, at some point, say "this is good enough" and let the public have it. Where the "good enough" point is will depend on the individual and each individual project - one person's "good enough" may be far beyond the most wildest dreams of ever accomplishing for others.

If you're working on a project just to be able to say "I did it," however, I don't believe you should ever entirely give up and say "good enough" (well, there is a point, but few, if any, hobbyist gam mak crews will ever reach the point where the amount of work put in is no longer worth the return). An individual should always be striving to better these personal projects, if only to assist in making those that they do release to the public that much better; these projects never really need to be done, because you can keep refining them until you reach the point where you've achieved almost all of what you set out to do. Sure, you might need to shelve it for some time to clear your mind, or restart the project in an entirely different engine (or medium!), but I personally feel these types of projects should always be worked on, in some way, and never truly dropped.

(Hope I'm making sense, been up and awake a long, long time.)

Attempting to create a skill merge system...

This is definitely all pseudo-code. Really. Replace the ( ) with the appropriate brackets. It's also just rough ideas, not exacts - I'm not looking at VX Ace at the moment. I also haven't slept in two days, so I hope it makes sense.

Try something like a 2D array:

ArrayVar(0,1) = new skill id; - if Skill #0 can merge with Skill #1
ArrayVar(0,2) = -1; - if Skill #0 can't merge with Skill #2

You'll have to manually define them in script, or write up a script to scan their notebox for definition tags and define them there (seriously, dealing with with regex might be more frustrating than writing them by hand). Just to be sure the program isn't screwing up, you'd have to do something like this first:

for loop - 0 to number of skills, x increasing
for loop - 0 to number of skills, y increasing
ArrayVar[x,y] = -1;

If ArrayVar(0,1) is a positive number, then you teach the skill to the character... and set ArrayVar(0,1) to -1 so they can't do it yet again (and, if it's your intention, you'll have to remove the old skills as well) and then also set ArrayVar(1,0) to -1 (so you can't repeat the process the other way round). If you have multiple characters with the same skills, you'll have to add another index to the array (z, in the format ArrayVar(x,y,z)) which will refer to each individual character.

You'll need to find a way to determine how many Combine Points a character gets per battle - it's not overly difficult to only initiate a section of code if a switch is on (and it may or may not be a literal game switch); after all, it's literally an if statement - you can put it in the same area that figures out experience handling, for the most part. As I said, you mainly need to figure a way to determine how many Combine Points you'll get out of each combat. If you know that, it's just a matter of showing that number after the battle is over (like you show how many experience you earn in a battle) and then adding it to a running total variable (which may or may not be a literal game variable).

... I hope that makes some semblence of sense and that I haven't overestimated your knwledge of RGSS3. After I've got some sleep I might be able to clarify/help a little more.

(Also, randomly re: the CSS; I usually hate the text-shadow effect, but it somehow works for me here. Huh.)

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

I think what I really like about the game, being pretty much finished it at this point, is that even when I'm just using my normal attack (and that doesn't happen that often, thanks to the variance in battles) I'm not just mashing the attack button and it's keeping me engaged and paying attention the entire time so that I'm getting the right attacks and effects in and blocking enemy attacks. My only gripe is that Normal might be too easy, especially if you're playing a certain class that, when geared right, can keep any party of two or less enemies (including a surprising number of boss encounters) permanently stunned.