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[RMXP] Need help editing a Hunger/Thirst Script

I've been looking over the script for a bit, and I'm no programming expert, but I see that it has a system to define each actor_id.

What you would need to do is tell it to keep that variable always to equal the actor_id of your character without changing or processing it to the other ID's so it only affects your one.

I was trying to figure out how that would happen but I can't quite seem to nail it down. I wasn't able to find a place where it altered the variable of the actor_id, though I'm not familiar with the programming language, it should still be pretty apparent.

I also though so but I am not so sure how I so go about it. The script isnt really easy to follow.

[RMXP] Need help editing a Hunger/Thirst Script

Ok so I am using a Hunger/ Thirst Script from ForeverZer0. Here is the link: Script

But I want it to be only for one character. Can someone point me in a direction?

Also, It seems i am having problems alittle from food items. I setted all of them up but it doesn't want to restore the Hunger/Thirst.

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

It is working now :) I like this new battle system better. It isnt too slow so that the player doesnt loses interests. I can even transform and summon.

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

I have decided to change my goal to "Setting up a new battle system" The one i was using wasnt supported and the one i recently found has everything that I need

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

Goal 4 is done

Im still trying to figure out how to add the location to the mini map. I had an idea but it didnt quite work out

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

Goal 4:
Get a party switcher to work and edit it to match the new hud

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

Goal 3:

I wasn't able to add the map location on the minimap but I can keep trying

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

Sorry, I'm having a little difficulty keeping track of your goals. If I understand everything correctly, you've finished work on the main menu HUD, and also remade the city maps as planned, correct? So your current goal is now to work on the dash mechanic or HUD. Is that right, or did I put something wrong into the OP? Thanks!

Yea. I finished the map making and the menus. I just need to finish the dash hud and add the map location to the minimap

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

Goal 2 is done

that is the second half

the part from goal 1 is done (the menus are posted bit earlier if you havent seen it)

Just Do It! - Anti-Procrastination Initiative

I did the menus


It took me the whole day almost... 8 hours
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