I'm not comfortable with any idea that can't be expressed in the form of men's jewelry
I made this site and it's awesome. But I don't run it anymore. Now I'm just a plebe like you.




Lookin great.


I personally like the font ._.

Not a TERRIBLE font, but the outlining makes it look worse.


Very nice cave tileset.


Looks great! Love the amount of curviness to everything.


Er what, menus worse? Where?


That is also how you spell "BORING IMAGE"


I disagree. I like the blocky digits!


I think an updated version of the original SNES BG would look better. The BG now works great for a title screen, but it is way too distracting for menus.


Oh, fuck you, fuck you, a million times, FUCK YOU!

Do not drag this so-called "achievement" trash into this game! Aside from the point made about leaderboards, "achievements" (note the quotation marks) are really just a cheap bullshit way to get you buy more shit with pretend money. I don't know how anyone can make actual goddamn money off this shit, but yeah, there's the truth behind that. It's basically a sneaky cocky balls scam to make money off of already goddamned expensive games, and this is nothing more than a painful "Me too!" that serves no purpose other than to stroke the egos of people without lives, friends, lovers, etc.

If you're actually going to go through with this...ugh...at least makes the achievements, y'know, ACHIEVEMENTS! None of this "good job doing something you were supposed to do to advance the game" bullshit, no giving people a pat on the back for trying a mini-game. Make players ACHIEVE something, and for Christ's sake, give them an actual reward! At least the Xbox 360 gives me their equivelent of mining script when I pass the mandatory tutorial, and it makes a delightful blippy sound to notify me I've been rewarded for my minimal efforts. It's a shitty replacement for actual rewards, but at least I can use that Monopoly e-money to buy shit that should have been in the game in the first place.

I'm totally behind Jericho: The usual "extras" stuff that used to be in games would be a great way to impliment achievements...if you absolutely, positively have to impliment achivements.


This really makes me think you don't know what achievements are. How do achievements make you buy anything with pretend money??? You even said you don't know how anyone can make money off achievements and you're right: they can't and they don't try to. Achievements give people ePenis points. That's fun. You can't spend them on anything.

Achievements are fun. More games should have them.
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