


PS....btw love the mapping and design layout...


I have the same problem...balloon stuck...please advise...thanks..

Forgotten Wishes

As stated earlier by a previous member, the vine puzzle does not make sense. I also have tried all combinations and it does not follow the clues or logic.

Avantasia The Game

This has to be the worse game I have ever played. No real story line. The configuration is completley out of sinc. Makes no sense whatsoever. If you are thinking about making another one....PLEASE DONT!!

Mistmoore Genesis

harmony.dll missing?

marana church.JPG

Thus the name BROKEN CHURCH!...really?..... you dont understand that?

The Staff of Cyrenia

Thanks for the answer to The Desert Tower black ball puzzle. I actually had figured it out later that night,(feel like a tool,lol), anyway...again thanks...great game btw...

The Staff of Cyrenia

Having trouble with the puzzle In the Desert Tower with the black ball. Figured the ball was suppose to be placed on the tile in the corner to open the gate, but does not work. Could you give me a hint or the answer to this puzzle...thanks..
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