

Please be advised !

To say to me that I'm already taking suikoden 2 graphics, I know that already guys I put ALL copyrights to Konami, the real owner of this game. But is a community with good people and honest people willing to help others!

The Arena is available

Thx man . I appreciate it

The Arena

In regards to showing all the equipment slots on one screen, well, it might take some moving around. I mean, there is some space to extend the window down, but, I don't know whither or not that would be enough space to show another inventory slot. If it's extended both up and down, though, which probably means re-aligning the status windows on the left, it might work.

You mean equipment slots ? Well weapon isn't supposed to be there tbh. But it counts as an equipment type and removing it cause conflicts with other scripts.
I'll resized the window to add other 3 if this is what ur saying

For now you can always press page up/down.I'll add up/down arrows tho
Yeah I was wrong , I was talking about swapping characters during the equipment scene

New Super Luigi Adventures (V2.7)

Where is Master yi btw ? (joke) it looks really breat bro! Keep the good work :)

Ps: Je suis de Qc aussi.

The Arena

When you fight a battle, (say with Hollyboys) then fight the next (say Bandits), when the battle starts with the bandits, the enemy screen on the bottom left still says holly boys until your cursor goes there, then the names change.
I'm totally aware of this issue . The problem is that window has to be refreshed in order to work properly. I checked with Estriole(creator of this script) and he tried a couple of things and still don't find how to do it. Sooo it means that for now, I can't do much about it.But still, i'm gonna find a way!

When you select shift in battle it freezes? (tried it with Riou)
Hahaha , yeah I forgot to say that shift command isn't done yet ! I'll find a way at least it stops crashing :)

The sixth character, no matter who it is, cannot select 'Attack'
Hummm , well only characters with a L or M ranges can attack from back row. If is not the problem, let me know which character can't attack from back row.

If there'd be a way to get the third 'other' option in the equip menu visible without having to scroll down that'd be great, instead of having to manually scroll down that one extra section for each character if you wanted to check equipment quickly.

For now you can always press page up/down.I'll add up/down arrows tho

If there's a way to get where when they level up it shows the stat increase? I lvled and it showed the increase for like a split second then showed their total stats, so didn't get to really see. Small thing, prolly unnecessary , but still.

It seems something easy to do, but in fact it still complicated. This script is homemade from a guy I paid. Like you said , it isn't something that must be done, but it'll be great if i can make it work :)

This feels a little slow on my machine. Out of curiosity, I activated the in-game FPS tracker (F2) to see what was what. My FPS rate out of battle was pretty consistently 10, while in-battle, it's around 14/15. Odd. It felt slower to me in battle than in did outside battle!

You need a good computer to run my game. I have 100+ script and the battle system is heavy. I run a steady 60 FPS all the time on map , and sometimes in battles, it goes 58-59 FPS.

For my own part, I tired to buy some stuff at the item shop, and it threw an error:
It happens when u buy or use an item? Items are not done anyway. Don't try to use them.

I swear, I thought I noticed the save point disappearing when I activated it from the left. I can't seem to repeat this, though

hahahaha , someone find it !! Well done lol. It was on purpose, the graphics has 6 poses total , 2 of them aren't done completely , thats why, it is a matter of 10 secs of work :). But i'm happy that you go that far ! Thx

The timing of when the enemy display window updates is off, as Knightowl says. I also noticed that it might be a off in regards to maxing out a character's weapon level with the Blacksmith. Though, are weapons supposed to go up to 12 in this demo? Because I could only get them up to 11
Nope you are right, max is 12. I just tried, what character/s doesn't go to level 12 ? I'm wondering


Thank you guys for playing and keep me informed for all the issues you got. I'm working on the version 1.1 at the moment, almost over.

Cheers !

Long time no see guys !

Almost over btw , I just need to change rows for some troops. I can release it without them , but u will get some issues with some fights.

[RMMV] Need help with Sfont plugging pls

I'm using SFONT pluging made by Victor Sant and I'm also using battlestatus pluging.

I pick using Sfont only , and everything works , but it keeps color at 0 (white) I want the code
that I have to put in the red squares on the picture . I tried , this.normalColor() , this.systemColor(), or even this.SfontColor().
Everything I put doesn't change anything.
Any help pls ? :)



Awesome bro ! :)

it makes me feel nostalgic...

Blinking Mirror

I changed the font, I think it looks better now

Suikoden - A New Destiny

So, we cant chg the name when we start the game?
Not sure if I get it but yes you can change the name of Riou if you want.