



userZ: hey i'm back, i have finished the rpg town music.
i met this snail, and i went and jamed with some friends!

userY: wow, you were gone for like 5 days. userX told me,
you said you were going out for a smoke? you smoke?
userX: WTF I said no rpg town music! i said no!

userZ: please forgive me! i'll do anything for you!
userX: whoa! this is crazy! this isn't rpg town music at all!

userZ: yeah it is.
userX: no it isnt!
userZ: ...what's up?

userY: oh i was just having conversations with these internet people.
man lot's of interesting things can be said. edutainment!
userX: oh not much, counting some cats.
userY: wana count cats with me right now?
userX: ok!

userZ: i'm going over there now.


Sooz Arts aww yiss

hello sooz (yay 100th post)

Dude with the glitchy avatar was his boyfriend-via-said-potions and committed suicide after realizing he was partly responsible for the whole thing. Unfortunately for him, his roomie decided to copy his ghost to the hard drive. Because that's a thing that can happen.

I like internet ghosts is all.

i really wish i knew what you meant XD
I like, creative writing.

As for the professional endevor, congratz on making the map.

In regards to the ink image, nice use of many many small details!

Referenceing the two ladies, it's very warm and cute!

I don't get the plentyoffreaks image.
Dead dude with plants growing out of them is neat!

Drawing and Painting study

hello sinnelius these are looking pretty sharp!
i must join you on these studies. as i have not studied in, well.

what is your process for studying 'how to draw better'?

as for some critique.
in regards to this lovely image 'Han'.

i feel the placement of the rocks could use more thought, i don't exactly understand what is even happening in the image.

why is there sparks and rocks? are they floating around him? the wispy clouds in the background make me feel like he's moving. but the rocks and sparks make it look like he's not moving.

also we could vary the size of the rocks more too? people have yelled at me saying

'cmon man you gota use small, med, and large shapes!!!!'

i'm not anatomy know it all, but Han's anatomy looks pretty good.
nice hands too!
a shame that both hands,and one foot are cropped off the image. why is that?

composition! where are we looking first? where are the eyes going after?
i look at his face, but then idk where i want to move my eyes too next.

(just bunch of thoughts, you got skill, keep it up!)

What are you jamming to?

this grew on me, the contents of it's content are, unmatched!

vaporwave, internet musik, for internet people.

Edit: i told stuwart about the internet music. bunch of pretentious bllshit.

well i'll show him. i'll show him the true power
of the internet music.
mark my words.

What are you thinking about right now?


0412 = 2014

Coincidence? I think not.

bgcghxmbbgh] was an inside job.

The Occults influence flows deeply into the world.

Let's work on your game descriptions!

I will make sure to post some clear feedback on others game descriptions.
As I am here to help/be helped. Trust me...

I have reworked mine. Let's really try to make sense.
at it's very core. In side it's heart of hearts, deep into its electric soul.
it shale be part of that joke 'smoke weed everyday'

"You are a stoner!
So you must be high!

Fight though Nazaraths deep rings.
Save thy Princess!"

What are you thinking about right now?

This place is so cool, has such a vast, unimaginable, complicated, history

If only we had the processing power to analyze all the data.

What are you thinking about right now?

I'm hoping i can get out of the business once i get my degree, but if the degree doesn't help me land a job with decent pay then i don't think i'll be able to stop.

What are you studying Mirak? While I think what your doing is legitimate, ideally you would be in a better situation soon.

What are you thinking about right now?

I will get paid tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow!

Depends how they feeeeeelllll

THROWDOWN! Fight to the finish! Who will survive!?

Johny Bravo is not trying to get a girl in this situation, Zap is though.

So Johny simply, grabs Zap Brannigan's neck, really, really hard.
Zap says, "please no, please stop. i am a commander of a ship!" but Johny does not stop.

Yu-Gi-Oh (Yami) vs Pegasus