

Get Engaged: How A Partner Can Help

Yeah this is a good idea.

In my experience the more people, the more ways are spotted on making something better or bringing up new ideas and solutions. It can also just be plain fun to talk a little about if your both working on your own projects.

So I recommend people do TRY share ideas with some other people they know, or just random people in IRCs if that apparently works.

Keep your goals to yourself

That was interesting, thanks for sharing. I should watch more of this stuff.

What they say back to you also affects motivation though.

I.e. I can get more motivated to do something if a friend says they look forward to it, but then I can get lose motivation if they just say it sounds a good idea/what the guy in the video is talking about.

A lesson in life

Must be really annoying if the developer feels they've put a lot of effort into their project and it doesn't get accepted. Should get a reason why not. But if it's anything like those half-baked VX games, that's not really something worth anyone's time to try it.

I think it's more about skills than effort.

If A puts lot of effort into learning how RPG Maker works and gaining those skills, then little effort in a game they make it'll probably still be pretty good.

If B puts no effort into learning how RPG Maker works and does not gain those skills, then a huge amount of effort into their game it'll probably be like Aria.

A lesson in life

Must be really annoying if the developer feels they've put a lot of effort into their project and it doesn't get accepted. Should get a reason why not. But if it's anything like those half-baked VX games, that's not really something worth anyone's time to try it.

I think it's more about skills than effort.

If A puts lot of effort into learning how RPG Maker works and gaining those skills, then little effort in a game they make it'll probably still be pretty good.

If B puts no effort into learning how RPG Maker works and does not gain those skills, then a huge amount of effort into their game it'll probably be bad.

The Hole

It's encrypted and can do with a lot of changes.

To whoever made this, here is some feedback to help you improve your game.

-Why in the tutorial does it shout PRESS UP ARROW KEY TO MOVE UP in caps like that?
-In Alanacia, go down those random stairs, go back up the player transfers to the wrong tile. They're walking on that 1 square river.
-Alanacia looks a mess. If you structure the town and plan it before mapping it it'll look a lot better. Look at some other RTP games for examples.
-Music in Alanacia plays on world map when you leave
-Signs don't say anything, maybe they aren't set to "same as character"?
-What is up with that empty map in that outer hedge maze?
-That boss in the hedge maze can be defeated as soon as you enter it by just pressing attack constantly.
-The crystal said it teleports the player to the major? It just teleported the player elsewhere in the dungeon.

So I think I'm stuck in a dungeon so I stopped there. Try playing other games, you'll probably get good ideas from them.


Mack and RTP mix. Looks great!

Using Status Effects Well

I have to disagree with the numbers for the poison status. I have never bothered to heal poison during battle if it does anything less than 20% max HP in damage. If I'm in a random encounter, it will be over soon enough anyway and I can cure afterwards. If it's a boss battle the boss is likely to just re-inflict the poison anyway, which makes curing it a temporary solution meaning I may as well just heal instead since that temporary solution will not only heal the damage the poison did, it will also heal damage from other sources as well. Unless the poison deals damage fast enough to actually threaten you, there's little to no reason to actually care about it. I'll just ignore it during battle and then open the menu once I've won, something that hardly adds anything to strategy.

Thank you for pointing that out! You are definitely right with the example you gave Crystalgate. In that case poison would be better placed at 20%. Sorry, I should never have said "the highest" at the end of the figure so it's been edited now.

At the time in my mind I was thinking about actors infecting poison on a boss or enemy, ones that don't have cure and heal spells to recover their own health. I was also thinking about an x number of turns and other factors which lead me to believe any higher than 15% may make some bosses a little to easy for the player.

Point 1 now ends saying play test it since it depends on what actors can do, what they can't do, the damage rate of their other skills and the recover rate for healing & items.

FUNdamentals of RPGs Part VI

This article makes developers think. Good article, thanks. =)

Dungeon Theory

More people should acknowledge this. Their games would become good following this article.

Thank you sir.

HP Recovery... after every battle? MADNESS! (Resource Management)

Thanks for pointing that out and making it clear Craze & Slashpheonix. Both sound good methods to take with regular battles.


I seriously disagree with the idea that there is such a thing as "too much strategy." You can have too sharp of a strategy curve, and you can have too unforgiving of difficulty, but you cannot have too much strategy. That's like having too extreme of an orgasm. The more thought your game's complexities provoke, the better.

If the game tests a player's brain too much they'll get exhausted. Strategy is better building up over the game so the player can adjust with the options they have and have the chance to think over them, if you have too much strategy some player's won't be able to cope and it'll be all WTF!? to them.

This is a completely terrible idea no matter how you look at it. Your entire dungeon's difficulty is based purely around resource management, yet this completely negates any possible need to manage resources. The player has no reason not to go all out against normal battles, and thus can never die to anything but bosses.

I'm sorry what? I don't get why having a heal point before the boss is "terrible"?


"If the game tests a player's brain too much they'll get exhausted.". As well as that, if every boss is a boss fight then the player would spend forever stuck in the first dungeon.